

食譜: 椰菜花炒肉絲 (Stir-fry pork with cauliflower)

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你話yahoo又搞乜呀, 無端端down 左成朝, 搞到我出食譜都出唔到呀, 次次有時都唔話你知, 是旦道歉就算, 毫無誠意呀

今日我哩邊好熱呀, 成32度, 連埋濕度, 會覺得36度咁呀, 係公司當然唔覺熱啦, 但係頭先出去買咖啡, 嘩,

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食左咁多日肉, 今日決定出下啲清清地嘅菜色啦, 哈哈

椰菜花加肉片加蝦米, 真係好鮮甜呀, 個湯汁就係甜到爆, 飲完一啖又一啖呀, 天氣咁熱, 整哩個餸, 又簡單, 又快捷, 又清甜,

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真係無得頂呀, 哈哈

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今日好忙呀, 我唔講咁多啦, 你o地記得試吓啦, 聽日有時間先再寫長啲, 同大家傾計啦

正所謂: 椰菜花花炒肉絲, 簡單易整好啱key

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 30分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 枚頭瘦肉半磅, 切片 (1/2 lbs of lean tenderloin pork, sliced)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 椰菜花1個, 切小朵 (1 cauliflower, steamed off, cut into pieces)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 蝦米6粒左右, 浸軟 (6 dried shrimps, soaked )
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將椰菜花出水(約3分鐘) (圖1), 隔水備用, 豬肉用基本野醃15分鐘
tonytsang and kareny recipy

快火落油起鑊, 先落豬肉炒熟(圖2), 加蝦米炒香, 再放入西蘭花加1杯水, 水滾轉中慢火蓋好蓋, 焗10分鐘, 加醃調好味, 上碟即成 

1- Cook the cauliflower in a boiling water for 3 minutes or until tender (fig.1).  Marinade the pork with the usual seasoning for 15 minutes.
tonytsang and kareny recipy 
2- Pre-Heat the pan with some oil over high heat.  Sautee the pork until it is well done (fig.2).  Stir in the dried shrimps and stir-fry it until fragrant.  Stir in the cauliflower.  Add 1 cup of water and bring it boil.  Simmer it with closed lid for 10 minutes.  Add some salt to taste.  Dish up and serve in hot.
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1- 蝦米炒過會更香
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2- 椰菜花一紋過, 湯汁會十分清甜, 不用加糖
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Stir-fry the dried shrimps will make the taste better.
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2- Cauliflower after simmered will make the sauce sweet.  No extra sugar is needed

