

食譜: 檸檬酒香焗雞脾 (Baked chicken legs in lemon sauce)

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今日返工真係有啲唔係好慣呀, 因為上兩個星期都放兩日假, 今個星期要返足五日, 真係無咩心機呀


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但就唔知點解時間可以過得咁快, 只係去左買吓餸, 睇吓野, 行下街, 咁就無左成日啦, 其實我好想洗車, 去完個渡假屋之後真係好污糟, 不過就永遠都搵唔到時間呀


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我係跟鬼妹紅紅學嘅(佢個食譜), 當日見到佢登個食譜時, 我已經好想偷師啦, 不過我醃得唔夠耐, 所以唔係好夠味呀, 如果你可以醃過夜, 我諗一定會再入味啲呀

唔好以為哩個餸要60分鐘就以為好難整呀, 其實只不過係要焗耐少少, 因為雞脾難比較難熟呀, 係焗嘅時候, 你可以做好多其他野呀, 例如去沖吓涼, 洗吓菜, 修吓甲呀,

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焗野, 錫紙一定要包得好(睇下我下面個貼士啦), 今次整哩個餸, 要將錫紙包到好似一個蒸箱咁, 咁樣做, 啲雞脾會有蒸嘅效果, 出嚟就唔會鞋, 又唔會燶, 唔信你試吓就知啦

正所謂: 檸檬酒香焗雞脾, 清香嫩滑好滋味

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 60分鐘左右

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1- 雞全脾6隻 (6 whole chicken legs)
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2- 檸檬2個, 切片 (2 lemon, sliced)
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3- 羅勒1湯匙 (1 tbsp basil)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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白酒3湯匙 (3 tbsp of white wine)
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 牛油1/4杯 (1/4 cup of butter)
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3- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp of minced garlic)
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4- 檸檬汁1杯 (1 cup of lemon juice)
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5- 鹽2湯匙 (2 tbsp of salt)
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6- 糖3湯匙 (2 tbsp of sugar)
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7- 粟粉3湯匙 (3 tbsp of corn starch)
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8- 百里香2湯匙 (2 tbsp thyme)
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1- 先將雞脾戒幾刀, 再用醃料醃30分鐘, 再將雞脾放上焗盤, 檸檬片, 羅勒舖上雞脾(圖1), 用錫紙封好放tonytsang and kareny recipy

焗爐用懾氏220度, 先預熱, 再放入焗盤先焗20分鐘 (圖2), 拿開錫紙, 拿走檸檬, 反轉雞脾(雞皮向下)焗15分鐘, 反轉雞脾, 再加熱至250度, 焗至表面金黃即成(約15分鐘)

1- Use a knife and make couple slices on the chicken legs.  Marinade it with the seasoning together for 30 minutes.  Put the chicken legs on the oven rack.  Cover the chicken legs with the lemon slices and basil (fig.1).  Seal the oven rack with the aluminum foil.
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2- Pre-heat the oven.  Bake the chicken legs under 220 Celsius for 20 minutes (fig.2).  Remove the aluminum foil and lemons.  Turn around the chicken legs and bake another 15 minutes.  Turn around the chicken legs again and increase the heat to 250 Celsius.  Bake it until the chicken legs turn brown (around 15 minutes).  Dish up and serve in hot.
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1- 其實如果可以醃過夜, 味道會更好, 鹽還可以落少一點
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2- 汁料口味要自己調整, 要甜一點就加糖多些, 要酸一點就加些檸檬汁
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1- Chicken legs will taste better if you can marinade it overnight.
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2- Add more sugar in the sauce will make it sweet.  Add more lemon juice will make it sour

3- 錫紙包法: (How to seal the oven rack with the aluminum foil):

藍色: 焗盤
灰色: 焗架(可以係蒸架, 焗爐用的烤架)
橙色: 雞肉
紅色: 首張錫紙 (包得像個箱一樣, 包著焗架, 高度要稍高過雞肉)
紫色: 蓋頂的錫紙
Blue: oven pan
Grey: oven rack
Orange: chicken
Red: the first foil.  Wrap it up like a box.  It wraps up the oven rack.
Purple: The foil that cover the top

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