

食譜: 綠茶軟糕 (Green tea pudding)

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首先多謝blog友為食貓幫我check昨日個食譜英文部份, 多得佢嘅提點, 我將英文部份再寫過, 宜家睇落順眼好多, 我去比較其他英文嘅食譜, 大至上都係差唔多, 哈哈


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不過無端端又轉返涼呀, 我覺得啲咁嘅天氣, 好易令人病呀, 香港就成日落雨,
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大家心情一定好鬱悶啦, 係唔係呢

落雨無野搞, 最好緊係整甜品啦, 今日哩個綠茶軟糕真係好好味呀, 綠茶粉我第一次用, 重手得滯,

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搞到有啲苦呀, 所以下面個份量已經改良過, 會好好多, 至於邊到有得賣, 我就唔知啦,
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因為啲茶粉係我外母比我呀, 哈哈哈

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其實整哩啲糕真係越整越易呀, 只要個水份差唔多, 落差唔多嘅魚膠粉, 基本上一定做到, 味道可以隨自己喜歡而變, 整綠茶又得, 芒果又得, 甚至榴槤苦瓜都得, 哈哈哈

奶如果唔怕肥, 我實叫大家用花奶(淡奶)呀,

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因為真係滑好多呀, 感覺真係好唔同呀, 試過你就知道,  花奶同鮮奶口感分別真係好大

正所謂: 綠茶軟糕夠香滑, 好味簡單個個讚

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(密碼: tonytsang)
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烹調時間:  30分鐘左右 (唔計雪藏時間)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 綠茶粉10克 (10g green tea powder)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 魚膠粉16克 (16g Gelatin powder)
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3- 冰糖70克 (70g Rock sugar)
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4- 奶450ml (450 ml milk)
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5- 水300 ml  (300 ml water)
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1- 魚膠粉加入100ml凍水浸透, 再用滾水坐熱, 攪成魚膠漿備用
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2- 水200ml水滾起, 先加冰糖煮至溶化, 取出加入綠茶粉攪勻, 再加入已溶的魚膠漿攪至完全溶化, 待涼後, 再加入奶攪勻, 平均倒入器皿, 雪4小時即成 
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1- Soak the gelatin powder in 100ml cold water for a short time and then gently warm the water until the gelatin has melted.  Put it aside
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Boil the 200ml water.  Stir in the rock sugar until it has melted.  Put it aside and stir in the green tea powder.  Stir in the gelatin and mix it well.  Let the solution to cool down.  Stir in the milk and mix well.  Pour the solution into a container gently.  Freeze it in a fridge for 4 hrs.  Enjoy it.
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1- 要硬身一點可以加多點魚膠粉
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2- 雪前一定落煮得好甜, 雪完甜味會略減
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3- 奶其實最好用花奶, 否則用鮮奶也可以
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1- You can add little bit more of gelatin to make it harder
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2- You have to make it sweeter before put into the fridge. 
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3- Evaporated milk is recommended.  Otherwise, you can normal milk.


