

食譜: 通少沙拉骨 (Fry pork ribs with salad sauce)

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我返嚟啦, 放假真係玩得好開心, 雖然無去到露營, 但去左朋友嘅渡假屋, 一樣玩得好開心呀, 等我整理好啲相, 就會出比大家睇吓呀, 哈哈哈


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係答晒大家啲留意先呀, 真係好多謝大家係我放假時都繼續嚟哩到留言呀, 我應該無漏到呀, 如果有, 記得話我知, 我實會去答返呀

講返個餸先, 其實唔難整,

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不過我手痕, 又拍左個video比大家睇啦, 如果大家click
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, 就會去到youtube, 到時大家記得記得按"以高品質觀看"呀, 咁就會好清楚, 唔會一粒粒, 濛查查咁啦

其實個餸名加左通少哩兩個字係因為你出街食, 餐廳一定會用油去炸, 我就貪健康, 以少油半煎炸去煮,

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效果當然無咁香口啦, 你唔怕煩同肥嘅話不況用多少少去炸啦


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其實唔需要咁耐, 我叮左1分鐘都嫌多呀, 總知你叮到熱熱地, 啲糖攪得溶就得, 將沙拉汁落鑊時如果可以, 加2湯匙水或由先, 咁就實唔會燶啦, 同埋記得熄火先, 攪勻啦, 先開中返火, 一熱撈埋排骨就好上碟,
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正所謂: 惹味通少沙拉骨, 人人食到唔停得

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 45分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 一字排骨2磅半左右 (2 lbs spare ribs)

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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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 奇妙醬4湯匙 (4 tbsp miracle whip)
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 奶6湯匙 (6 tbsp of milk)
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 煉奶3茶匙 (3 tsp of condensed milk)
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 糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp of sugar)
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5- 白醋1湯匙 (1 tbsp of white vinegar)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
蒜粉1湯匙 (1 tbsp of garlic powder)
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 生抽2湯匙 (2 tbsp of soya sauce)
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3- 沙嗲醬1茶匙 (1 tsp of satay sauce)
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4- 粟粉1湯匙 (1 tbsp of corn starch)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
5- 油1湯匙 (1 tbsp of cooking oil)

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1- 先將排骨用醃料醃20分鐘左右, 快火落油起鑊(油要多), 先將外表煎封, 轉慢火煎熟排骨(圖1), 盛起隔油tonytsang and kareny recipy

汁料先攪勻, 快火落少少牛油或油起鑊, 油滾熄火, 先讓鑊降溫少許, 再加入汁料攪勻, 開中火, 一滾即熄火撈入(圖2)排骨上碟即可

1- Marinade the ribs with the seasoning for 20 mins.  Fry the ribs in hot oil over high heat until brown on each side.  Reduce the heat to low heat.  Fry the ribs until done(fig.1).  Drain it well.
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2- Mix well the sauce mix.  Heat up the pan or wok with some butter or oil over high heat.  Once it is hot, turn off the heat and let the pan cools down a bit.  Mix the sauce mix together in the pan.  Increase the heat to high until the sauce is boiled.  Add in and mix the ribs with sauce together (fig.2).  Put it on the dish.  Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 排骨用半煎炸雖然慳油, 比較健康, 但炸始終口感比較好, 可以的話, 請改做炸排仔
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2- 汁料不宜受熱, 所以一煮滾就要熄火, 不要再煮太耐
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3- 料排骨炸到骨凸出來(肉收縮)就熟啦, 如果見不到骨, 則未熟
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1- It is better to deep fry the ribs than just fry it with less oil
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2- Don't overcook the sauce mix.  Turn the heat off once it is boiled
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3- If you see the bone is out of the ribs.  It informs you that the ribs are 100% cooked.

