

食譜: 芒果布甸(無蛋) (Mango pudding without egg)

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昨日放工返到屋企終於有電啦, 真係擔心, 再無電, 我雪櫃啲野真係要報銷呀, 好彩, check過晒, 無野變壞呀

今日出芒果布甸, 可以話係將網上所刊登嘅食譜集合而成

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, 而我當然唔想落蛋啦, 你知啦, 生蛋好易有菌, 真係唔落好過, 宜家香港又禽流呀, 仲落生蛋,
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好多食譜都只係話芒果係果核兩邊開邊, 切粒,

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但無講過中間, 係個核附近啲肉啲處理 (可能就咁食左去啦)

我就一於起埋肉, 再打成芒果汁呀, 加埋一齊,

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真係正好多好多, 勁重芒果味

如果你怕煩, 可以買包芒果汁代替都得, 隨你啦, 記得要係落芒果肉前, 攪勻晒, 唔好奶還奶, 水還水呀, 最簡單就係用拉茶方式, 即係準備2個大碗, 左碗倒去右碗, 右碗倒去左碗, 來來回回2-3次就乜都勻啦, 哈哈

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夏天咁熱, 食哩個甜品真係好正呀, 哈哈哈

正所謂: 芒果布甸咁容易, 夏日炎熱最合時

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(密碼: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 30分鐘左右 (不計雪凍時間)

1- 芒果啫喱一盒90g (1 box mango jelly, 90 g )
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2- 熱水180ml (180 ml hot water)
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3- 芒果2個, 去皮, 切粒 (2 mango, peeled, diced )
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4- 淡奶 180 ml (180 ml evaporated milk)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 芒果粒1/2杯 (1/2 cup of mango)tonytsang and kareny recipy

 鍊奶1湯匙, 非必要 (1 condensed milk, optional)tonytsang and kareny recipy

水2湯匙 (2 tbsp water)
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2湯匙糖 (2 tbsp sugar)
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1- 啫喱用熱水再碗中攪溶, 汁料成用果汁機或人手壓成芒果汁, 隔好渣, 取60ml放入啫喱水中(圖1), 再加入淡奶攪勻, 平均倒入啫喱杯或器皿中
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2- 芒果切好粒(圖2), 平均放入每個啫喱杯或器皿中, 雪3個小時即成

1- Jelly mixes with the hot water until dissolved completely.  Blend the sauce mix either by a blender or by hand.  Filter the mango juice and add 60 ml of it into the jelly solution(fig.1).  Mix the solution with the milk.  Pour into the jelly cup or any container.
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2- Dice the mango (fig.2).  Add evenly into each jelly cup or the container.  Freeze it in the fridge (not freezer) for 3 hours.  Enjoy.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 芒果汁可以用現成的, 例如維x芒果汁
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唔怕浪費, 可以落少5g啫喱, 會更軟熟
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3- 芒果要買熟的(全黃, 腍身)才會甜, 否則會好酸
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