

食譜: 通少雞汁素炒皇 (vege mix with marinade chicken sauce)

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前日有無煮到通少豉油雞脾先? 有嘅話, 有無聽我講唔好倒左啲汁呀, 因為今餐餸要用呀

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豉油雞汁炆過雞脾, 再用黎煮餸真係極品呀

不過, 煮之前, 你要先去左面層個啲油先, 唔難架, 因為已經雪過一日啦嘛, 啲肥油已經凝固晒變成白色o者哩, 一剷就無啦, (所以咪要先前咪叫你雪啲汁囉, 就係咁解啦

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如果無煮過通少豉油雞脾, 你可以用李x牌豉油雞汁, 或者用老抽/生抽 (1比3, 即係1湯匙老抽, 就用3湯匙生抽)加片糖(冰糖都得)去煮個汁又得, 隨你啦

哩個餸雖然係素食(無肉), 但有陣陣雞香味道, 真係無得頂呀

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, 如果你要煮齋, 就唔好用豉油雞汁, 用素蠔油代替啦

正所謂: 通少雞汁素炒皇, 好味到你唔識講

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無論口感, 顏色都係好靚仔

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 芋絲12粒, 去水 (12 yam bundle, drained)
2- 罐頭大草菇1罐, 去水 (1 cane of large mushroom, drained )
3- 中型洋蔥1個, 切絲 (1 onion, peeled, sliced)
4- 豆卜6粒左右, 飛水, 一開二 (6 tofu puff, washed, cut into half)
5- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
6- 紅, 黃, 橙椒各半個, 切絲 (1/2 red,yellow,organge pepper, sliced)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
1- 1碗通少豉油雞脾雞汁 (1 bowl of marinde chicken sauce)
或 or
1- 豉油雞汁 1/4 枝 (1/4 bottle of chicken marinade)
2- 糖少許 (a bit of sugar)
3- 蠔油2湯匙 (2 tbsp soay sauce)
4- 麻油1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp sesame oil)
5- 水1/2杯(量杯) (1/2 Cup of water)
and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 再加洋蔥落少許鹽炒至軟身, 加草菇略炒(圖1)

2- 加入豆卜, 三椒快手兜勻(圖2), 再加汁料(圖3)兜勻, 加入芋絲兜勻焗2-3分鐘(圖4), 埋個獻即成

1- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Saute the garlic until fragrant.  Add and stir-fry the onion with some salt until soft.  Add the mushroom and stir-fry it for a minute (fig1)

2- Add the tofu, 3 peppers and mix them well (fig2).  Add the sauce mix (fig3) and heat it through.  Add the yam bundle (fig4) and cook it for 2-3 min.  Add some corn starch mixed with water until the sauce is thickens.  Serve hot.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 三椒不宜早落, 以免它出水及影響口感

2- 豆卜多油, 先飛一飛水會健康一點tonytsang and kareny recipy


