

食譜: 通少豉油雞脾 (Marinaded chicken legs)

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豉油雞脾真係唔難整呀, 簡單又好味道

成隻雞去整當然要多好多功夫啦, 但你知我啦, 超級懶呀, 又點會平日無端端去整隻雞先(要整成個鐘都未必有得食呀)

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雞脾就唔同啦, 易整好多, 而且肉質比較滑, 就算整得過熟少少, 都唔會鞋口

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係呀, 如果你地真係整, 記得整完唔好倒左啲雞汁呀, 因為星期三個餸會再用啲雞汁呀, 記得將啲汁雪好呀

我用左啲青瓜伴碟, 我覺得非常夾呀

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, 你地可以加, 亦可以唔加, 隨你地啦

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記得呀, 雞脾真係好鬼肥, 記得白鑊逼油先好去炆呀, 會清啲呀

正所謂: 通少豉油炆雞脾, 人人食到笑眯眯

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就咁睇以為係成隻雞, 哈哈哈

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 50分鐘左右

1- 雞全脾6隻, 雞鎚同雞脾切開, 洗淨(6 whole chicken legs, cut into pieces )
2- 青蔥4條, 去白, 切段 (4 green onion, tail removed, cut into pieces)
3- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp chopped garlic)
4- 薑片3塊左右, 略拍 (3 slices of ginger)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
1- 豉油雞汁 1/2 枝 (1/2 bottle of chicken marinade)
2- 糖少許 (a bit of sugar)
3- 蠔油3湯匙 (3 tbsp soay sauce)
4- 麻油1湯
匙 (2 tbsp sesame oil)
5- 水1杯(量杯) (1 Cup of water)
nd kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 雞件先用醃料醃20分鐘, 用易潔鑊, 中火無油把雞件煎至金黃(圖1), 盛起, 隔油備用

2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉,青蔥和薑片, 再加回雞件輕手兜勻(圖2), 

3- 加入汁料蓋上蓋煮滾, 改慢火, 先炆15分鐘(圖3), 反轉雞件再炆15分鐘, 上碟淋上少許豉油雞汁, 再搽上麻油即成(圖4)

1- Marinade the chicken with usual spices for 20 mins.  Heat the pan without oil in medium heat.  Fry the chicken until it turns brown (Fig 1).  Put it aside and drain it well.

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Saute the garlic, green onion, ginger until fragrant.  Add back the chicken and mix it well(fig2). 

3- Add the sauce.  Cover and cook in low heat for 15 mins (fig3).  Turn the chicken over and cook another 15 mins.  Put it on the dish.  Put some marinade sauce over nad put some sesame oil and serve it (fig4).tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 可以煮好後, 放涼切件, 剛煮好時不要切, 否則雞皮容易脫落

2- 吃時可以再淋些豉油雞汁係面會更好味

3- 第一至炆時, 雞皮盡可能先向上, 避免餘熱整燶雞的表皮

4- 出左油再炆, 令雞汁更清, 可以遲些再用

tonytsang and kareny recipy


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