

食譜: 吞拿魚鬆焗意粉 (Tuna Linguine in creamy sauce)

意大利粉有好隻, 但我個人喜歡linguine, 唔知點解, 總係覺得佢口感, 粗幼, 甚至連個名都好perfect

煮意粉最怕就係過淋, 意大利人煮意粉好注重口感, 一去到煙韌, 就唔會再煮, 香港人可能會覺得唔夠腍, 咁係因為我地食開嘅粉麵文化唔同啦, 我地食開係爽口, 唔係煙韌, 所以, 我地大多數會將煮完嘅粉麵過冷河, 用冷縮熱脹嘅方法, 令麵質更彈牙

但意粉就唔好過冷河呀, 因為受過凍, 再受熱去煮雖然都可以爽口, 就絕對做唔到個種完美嘅煙韌程度, 所以好多意大利大廚, 一煮好意粉, 就用橄欖油撈好意粉, 淋上汁, 熱辣辣咁享用

我今日會用白汁, 一個唔正宗但係超易整嘅白汁, 加埋罐頭吞拿魚, 可以話係簡單, 快捷, 香口, 好味呀, 你地一定要試吓啦

正所謂: 吞拿魚鬆焗意粉,  完美煙韌無得彈

係唔係好靚呢, 哈哈

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 扁意大利麵適量 (linguine portion for 2 person)
2- 罐頭吞拿魚170g裝1罐, 隔去水 (1 cane of tuna, drained)
3- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切件 (1 medium onion, peeled, diced)
4- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
5- 刨碎Mozella芝士適量 (some shreeded Mozella cheese)
6- 香草 (荷蘭芹)適量 (some parsley flakes)

汁料 Sauce:
1- 水適量 (Some water)
2- 鮮奶適量(非必要) (some milk, optional)
3- 罐頭磨菇忌廉湯1罐 (1 cane of cream of mushroom soup)
4- 牛油1湯匙 (1 tbsp butter)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 扁意大利麵按照盒上指示, 用鹽水煲至煙韌程度, 隔去水, 放入焗盤中, 加入2湯橄欖油撈勻待用 (圖1)

2- 快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉至金黃, 加洋蔥用少去鹽炒至軟身, 再加入吞拿魚和少許胡椒粉略炒(圖2)

3- 先加入汁料3-4, 再逐少逐少加入水及奶至適當杰度 (圖3), 調好味就淋上意粉上

4- 平均灑上芝士及香草(圖4), 放入已預熱的焗爐, 以華氏350度焗至芝士金黃即成

1- Boil the linguine in a salty water according to the box instruction until Al dente.  Drain the water and mix some olive oil.  Put it into a baking container (fig1)

2- Heat the pan with oil under high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic until brown.  Stir-fry the onion with some salt until soft.  Stir-fry the tuna with some pepper (fig2)

3- Add the sauce ingredient 3-4, add some water and milk until the sauce is thick (fig3).  Pour it over to the linguine

4- Spread the cheeze and parsley over the linguine(fig4).  Bake it in a pre-heated oven in 350F until the cheese turns brown
tonytsang and kareny recipy


1- 扁意大利麵可以用其它意粉代替

2- 意粉不要過冷河以免影響口感

3- 如果汁太鹹, 可以加多點水, 再用生粉水埋獻, 把它整杰

4- 真正白汁做法: 鮮奶, 淡忌廉, 牛油, 麵粉, 少許鹽, 用中火, 將所有材料煮至杰身即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy



