

食譜: 欖菜牛碎燴豆腐 (Minced beef with black olive on egg tofu)

欖菜雖然好好味, 但好易買錯

我就買錯一隻連蔥, 連蒜, 真係唔係好香, 亦唔係好有味, 所以我哩排不斷煮欖菜, 希望絕快消滅佢呀

如果大家買潮州黑欖菜, 記得買淨係含欖菜同芥菜, 千祈唔好買含有其他菜類嘅假欖菜呀, 好唔同架

碎牛肉講過話好肥吓啦, 所以記得要出油, 不過出左油, 肉質都幾乾身, 所以最好整番個汁, 咁食落口感會好好多

正所謂: 香口牛碎燴豆腐, 欖菜常吃唔怕悶

我哩個無咩汁, 乾左少少

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 碎牛肉1磅左右, (1 lbs of minced beef)
2- 欖菜4湯匙 (4 tbsp of preserved cabbage and black olive)
3- 蜀米仔1罐, 切件( 1 cane of baby corn)
4- 洋蔥1個, 去衣切粒 (1 medium onion, peeled, diced)
5- 青蔥1條, 切粒 (1 green onion, diced)
6- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
7- 玉子豆腐1條, 切件 (1 Egg tofu, sliced) 

汁料 Sauce: (份量只作參考)
1- 生抽2湯匙 (2 tbsp soya sauce)
2- 水3湯匙 (3 tbsp water)
3- 生粉漿適量(水+生粉) (water mixed with corn starch)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 牛肉用基本野醃10分鐘, 豆腐抹乾, 上生粉包好 

2- 快火起鑊(唔好落油), 炒牛肉至8成熟, 隔油(圖2)

3- 快火落油起鑊, 煎至豆腐變金黃, 上碟備用 (圖3)

4- 快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 再落洋蔥, 用少許鹽炒軟, 再加蜀米仔略炒, 加回牛肉用少去生抽, 水, 生粉水, 欖菜兜勻 (圖4), 灑上蔥花, 輕手放在豆腐上即可

1- Marinade the beef for 10 mins.  Cover the tofu with the corn starch evently.

2- Heat the pan with high heat without oil.  Stir-fry the beef until 80% done, drain well (fig2)

3- Heat the pan with oil under high heat.  Fry the tofu until brown.  Put it aside

4- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic until brown.  Add and stir-fry the onion with some salt until soft.  Add and stir-fry the baby corns.  Add back the beef with soya, water, corn starch paste, and olive (fig3).  Add the diced green onion to decorate.  Add it carefully on the top of the tofu
 tonytsang and kareny recipy


1- 唔同嘅欖菜味道, 鹹味不一, 所以最好最後自行調味

2- 碎牛真係好肥, 最好先白鑊逼油, 隔去油份再炒會比較健康
tonytsang and kareny recipy


