

食譜: 海鮮大炒皇 (Seafoods mix with cashew)

哩個餸要多謝何師奶, 因為佢先前出左個海鮮小炒皇, 我見到流晒口水咪跟佢整囉

不過, 我哩個懶人, 唔會特登去買材料, 總知見到咩差唔多, 就落咩囉, 哈哈, 所以, 我哩碟唔係少炒, 係大炒呀, 哈哈哈

海鮮最怕煮過熟, 過熟嘅帶子會縮水, 魷魚會硬, 所以我成日都話, 煮到8成熟左右就好停, 餘熱會同你整熟佢地啦, 唔需要煮咁耐呀

唔好講笑, 雖然無用咩特別醬料, 但都好好味, 我吃時仲點少少辣椒醬, 好好味呀

本來我影左個步驟圖, 唔知點解唔見左, 我放工先upload啦

正所謂: 惹味海鮮大炒皇, 一定好味唔洗講


tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 45分鐘左右

1- 熟蝦10隻左右, 解凍 (10 cooked shrimps, thawed)
2- 魷魚筒1條, 解凍, 戒花, 切件 (1 squid, thawed, cut into pieces)
3- 大帶子8粒左右, 解凍 (8 scalops, thawed)
4- 甜豆約500克左右 (500g honey peas)
5- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
6- 洋蔥, 去衣切絲 (1 onion, sliced)
7- 紅蔥頭1粒, 切皮, 切粒, (1 shallots, peeled, diced)
8- 熟腰果適量 (some cashew)
9- 薑片2-3片 (2-3 slices of ginger)

汁料 Sauce:
1- 生粉水適量 (some corn starch dissolved in water)
2- 雞粉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chicken powder)
3- 水適量 (some water)
4- 鹽適量 (some salt)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 海鮮料先用蒜粉, 麻油, 鹽, 胡椒粉, 生粉醃20分鐘, 甜豆頭尾去絲(圖1), 飛水(2-3分鐘)備用

2- 快火落油起鑊, 先把爆香蒜蓉, 紅蔥頭, 薑片, 落帶子, 魷魚, 快火炒至8成熟, 備用 (圖2)

3- 快火落油起鑊, 用少許鹽爆香洋蔥至軟身, 加回海鮮料, 甜豆, 加入已撈勻的雞粉和水, 兜勻, 炒一陣, 加鹽調味, 再加生粉水埋獻, 上碟灑上腰果即成

1- Marinade the seafoods with some garlic powder, sesame oil, salt, pepper for 20 mins.  Boil the honey peas in hot water for 3 mins.  Drain it well and put it aside.

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic, shallots, ginger.  Stir-fry the seafood (expect the shirmps) until 80% done.  Put it on the aside. (fig2)

3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry onion with some salt until soft.  Add the seafoods and honey peas with the chicken poweder dissolved in the water.  Mix them well.  Add some salt to taste.  Add the corn starch to make the sauce thick.  Put it on the dish and spread the cashew on the top.
 tonytsang and kareny recipy


1- 帶子可以橫切, 一開二, 煎時縮水會較少, 亦可以先飛水整熟

2- 熟蝦可以用急凍或鮮蝦代替, 煮時可以和帶子同煮

3- 魷魚過熟會太硬, 要注意時間

4- 腰果未熟則要先用油炒熟, 除了可以灑上碟, 也可以上碟前一刻撈入汁料中

3- 魷魚筒係咁樣切開一半, 同埋係有衣個面咁樣切紋先唔會曲

 tonytsang and kareny recipy


