

食譜: 豉椒芋絲蒸三鮮 (Steam Seafood in black bean sauce)

非常好味道, 我講真嘅, 不過, 哩個可以話係啱男仔食多啲, 因為男仔會一啖一隻, 非常過癮, 但女仔(例如我太太), 就喜歡拆隻, 逐件食, 味道同口感當然唔會一樣

所以, 如果你喜歡拆件食(我唔建議), 我會建議你個汁唔好整得咁鹹, 但如果係一口過, 就唔同, 要鹹少少咁先惹味

如果你好辣, 可以加點辣椒油, 更加係無得頂呀, 我覺得最正係芋絲, 因為佢吸晒啲海鮮味, 真係


正所謂: 豉椒芋絲蒸三鮮, 好味非常食多啲

一啖一隻, 爽呀 

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 急凍青口14隻,  解凍, 去殼 (14 thawed, forzen mussels, take the shell off)
2- 中型急凍帶子6隻, 解凍, 切粒 (6 thawed, forzen scalops, diced)
3- 中型熟蛤6隻, 解凍, 切粒 (6 thawed cooked shrimps, diced)
4- 芋絲1包(14粒) (1 bag of yam bundle)
5- 青蔥1條, 切粒 (1 green onion, chopped)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
 Sauce: (份量只作參考)
1- 蒜蓉豆豉醬1+1/2湯匙 (1+1/2 tbsp garlic and black bean sauce)
2- 糖2茶匙 (2 tsp sugar)
3- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp chopped garlic)
4- 白胡椒少許 (some white pepper)
5- 鹽少許 (some salt)
6- 麻油2茶匙 (2 tsp Sesame oil)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 青口起肉後, 清洗內臟 (圖1), 切粒, 和其他海鮮料用汁料醃10分鐘(圖2)

2- 將青口殼上, 先放上芋絲, 再放上混合海鮮料, 用手壓實, 一隻一隻排好, 如不夠位, 可以把餘下材料放於中間(圖3)

3- 隔水大火蒸10分鐘, 倒去碟內多餘水份, 灑上蔥花即成(圖4)

1- Clean the mussel propertly (fig1), dice it and marinade it with all the seafood with the sauce in about 10 mins (fig2)

2- Put the yam bundle on each mussel shell.  Put the mixed seafood on the top of yam bundle.  Press well the ingredient.  Spread them around the dish.  if there is a rest of mixed seafood.  Put it in the middle of the dish (fig3)  

3- Steam the mixed seafood under high heat for about 10 min.  Drain the exceeded water in the dish.  Add some green onion and that's it. (fig4)
tonytsang and kareny recipy


1- 青口內贓(紅圈)要洗好

2- 倒去水份時要小心, 青口有可能會冼走

3- 唔怕辣可以加辣椒粒或伴辣椒油

4- 蒸時, 可以放錫紙於材料上, 擋住倒汗水

5- 唔用熟蝦, 可以改用鮮蝦

6- 青口殼當然要先洗淨先啦
 tonytsang and kareny recipy

星期日我同太太去超市買bagel (麵包) 做早餐, 見到特價買2條5$, 好開心,諗著買1條(2.5$)啦, 去比錢時:

收銀姐姐: 3.8$呀

我: 唔係喎, 2條5$, 1條應該係2.5$喎

收銀姐姐, 碌多次個bar code話: 唔係喎, 無特價呀

我: 咁我唔要啦

收銀姐姐眼中發火, 幫我減左個2次3.8$ (因為碌左2次)

我唔好意思咁比錢買埋其他貨品啦, 有個哥哥好心幫我執好野入袋, 我就啦啦臨囉晒啲野, 就去超市門口搵太太啦
我話: 無特價呀, 我無買呀
太太望一望個袋: 咁哩碌包咩嚟呀?
我望一望, 係喎, 點解話唔要個bagel都會係個袋到嘅?
再check下單, 又真係無計錢喎
就係咁, 我就有免費bagel食啦, 哈哈哈

