

食譜: 茄蛋開花 (Scramble egg in tomato sauce)


宜家係左面, 食譜分開中, 西, 日, 泰, 等等, 用地點去將食譜分類, 而係"基本野醃一醃"個位下面, 有食譜分類, 哩個係按照材料作分類, 有晒兩種分類, 方便大家去搵我啲食譜

講番個餸, 蕃茄狂出哩個餸, 絕對適合大人細路, 茄蛋加上車里茄做花, 係唔係好靚呢

, 小朋友實會喜歡的, 哈哈哈

茄蛋最重要就係唔好煮到啲蛋好老, 7成熟左右就好盛起, 煮好茄汁料加蛋返兜一兩下就好上碟

蛋我煮前加左少少奶, 會令蛋滑身好多又唔易老, 你試下就會明有幾咁滑呀, 哈哈哈

正所謂: 香滑茄蛋會開花, 包你食到笑哈哈


tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 大蛋3隻, 發勻 (3 Large blended) 
2- 中蕃茄3-4個, 洗淨, 切件 (3-4 medium tomatos, drained, cut into pieces)
3- 車厘茄6粒左右, 一開二, 非必要 (6 Cherry tomato, cut in half, optional)
4- 青蔥1條, 切粒, 非必要 (1 green onion, chopped, optional)
5- 鮮奶2湯匙或淡花奶1湯匙 (2 tbsp milk or 1 tbsp evaporated milk)

1- 茄汁2湯匙, 非必要 (2 tbsp ketchup, optional)
2- 糖適量 (a bit of sugar )
3- 鹽適量 (a bit of salt)
4- 水2/3杯左右 (2/3 cup of water)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 蛋先和奶撈勻, 中火落油起鑊, 炒至蛋7成熟(還有蛋汁), 盛起備用(圖1)
2- 快火落油起鑊, 落蕃茄加少許糖略炒(圖2), 加水蓋上蓋煮5-8分鐘或至蕃茄溶化, 加少許糖和鹽先調味, 如果不夠酸味, 可以加少許茄汁
3- 調好味後, 加入蛋, 快手兜勻上碟, 排上車厘茄灑上蔥花即可

1- Mix the blended egg with the milk.  Heat the pan with oil in medium heat.  Cook the egg until 70% done.  Put it aside (Fig1)
2- Heat the pan with oil in heat heat.  Stir-fry the tomato with some sugar (Fig2).  Add water and cook it through with a lid for 5-8mins or until the tomato is soften.  Add the salt and sugar according to your taste.  If it is not sour enough, add some ketchup.
3- Add the egg back and mix it quickly with the sauce.  Put it on the dish and decorate it with cherry tomato and green onion.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 蕃茄煮溶味道先會出
2- 蛋雖然7成熟, 但其實餘熱會令蛋熟透, 不用擔心
3- 奶能令蛋更滑手
4- 如果蕃茄夠味則不用下茄汁
5- 糖可以使汁料甜一點, 鹽則令汁酸一點
6- 蕃茄會出水, 一開始不要下太多水, 可以係蕃茄溶化後才決定加多點水與否, 之後才調味

tonytsang and kareny recipy

