

食譜: 通少海南雞飯 (Hainan chicken Rice and chicken)

佳節到了, 招呼朋友又係時候啦, 今日同大家分享海南雞飯, 包你整完, 食過之後, 以後都唔會出街食, 因為真係好易又好好味, 招呼朋友最啱不過

其實我一開blog無耐就出過, 不過當時隻雞整得唔好, 宜家經我改良, 太太試過都讚不絕口呀

, 所以我已經刪除左舊個食譜

好多人都會問, 點樣雞先會爽口, 滑身啲, 其實就係要蒸完, 立即去浸冰水急凍, 咁樣, 包你啲雞皮爽脆, 雞肉彈牙呀

哩個餸香味一流, 你再煮其他餸最好清淡一點, 否則太濃味, 就吃不出雞飯, 同雞肉香味呀, 要注意呀

正所謂: 海南雞飯香噴噴, 雞肉香滑好興奮

以後仲洗乜出街食, 出街都無咁好味

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 60分鐘左右

Ingredients: 6 人份量 (For 6 people)

雞飯 Chicken rice:
1- 3嘜米 (飯煲專用既量杯), 洗淨, 瀝乾 (3 cup of jasmine rice, drained)
2- 薑片4塊, 厚片 (4 slices of ginger)
3- 紅蔥頭4粒, 去衣, 略拍 (4 Shallots, peeled) 
4- 蒜頭 5瓣, 拍扁, 去衣 (5 pieces of garlic, peeled)
5- 青蔥4條, 青白段切開 (4 green onion, cut into pieces)
6- 香茅3條, 洗淨, 略拍, 去尾, 切段 (3 lemon grass, cut into pieces)
7- 雞脾肥膏2-3塊 (2-3 pieces of chicken fat from the chicken leg)
8- 史x生清雞湯1灌 (1 cane non-concentrated chicken broth)
9- 水適量(some water)

雞脾 Chicken legs:
1- 雞脾6隻, 洗淨 (6 whole chicken legs)
2- 薑片3塊, 切粒 (3 slices of ginger, diced)
3- 紅蔥頭2粒, 去衣, 切粒 (2 Shallots, peeled, diced) 
4- 蒜頭3瓣, 拍扁, 切粒 (3 pieces of garlic, peeled, diced)
5- 青蔥3條, 青白段切開 (3 green onion, cut into pieces)
6- 香茅2條, 洗淨, 略拍, 去尾, 切段 (3 lemon grass, diced)
7- 魚露3湯匙 (3 tbsp fish sauce) 

1- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
2- 糖適量 (a bit of sugar )
3- 鹽適量 (a bit of salt)
4- 水1/3杯左右 (1/3 cup of water)
5- 白醋2湯匙 (2 tbsp white vinegar)
6- 魚露2湯匙 (2 tbsp fish sauce)
7- 茄汁2茶匙 (2 tsp ketchup)
8- 辣椒醬1茶匙 (1 tsp chili sauce)
9- 檸檬汁2湯匙 (2 tbsp lemon juice)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 雞脾材料全部混合, 醃過夜或醃3個小時

2- 中火落油起鑊(唔好太大火), 炒香雞飯料2-7(圖1), 要用多點時間炒出香味(約5-10分鐘), 加入生米(圖2), 炒至半熟, 變黃(圖4)

3- 熄火, 離開爐頭, 將所有雞飯料2-7細心挑走(圖3)

4- 飯煲, 加入清雞湯, 再加水(混合約1茶匙鹽) 到2嘜又3/4水左右, 如還有雞脾肥膏, 加在飯上, 按制煲飯

5- 雞脾連醃料隔水大火蒸30分鐘或至全熟, 隔去所有醃料, 放入保鮮袋, 然後浸入冰水急凍, 再斬件上碟, 汁料混合作雞肉醬汁即成

1- Marinade the chicken legs with all the chicken legs ingredients for 3 hrs or overnight.
2- Heat the pan with oil in medium heat.  Stir-fry the chicken rice ingredients 2-7 (Fig1) until all the tastes come out (10 mins).  Add the raw rice and mix it with all the ingredients (Fig2) until the rice turn yellow and half transparent (Fig4)
3- Turn off the heat.  Remove all the ingredients from the rice (Fig3)
4- Put the rice in the rice cooker.  Add the chicken broth and water to 2 cup and 3/4 level.  Add chicken fat if it is still available on top of the rice.  Start the cooker.
5- Steam the chicken leg for 30 min or until it is done.  Remove all the spices.  Put the chicken legs in a plastic bag and drop into ice water to cool it down completely.   Cut the leg into piece and serve it. 
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 飯不宜炒太耐, 否則會失去彈性, 炒至半透明就可以了
2- 汁料應該酸甜帶辣, 自己調整味道, 太酸, 太喊則加糖, 太甜則加鹽
3- 雞脾若能蒸完後急凍, 會令皮和肉更爽, 更彈牙
4- 雞脾若見肉收縮見骨就已經是熟了
5- 雞脾可以用牙簽桔入最厚肉地方至骨, 若拉出時沒有血留出即是熟了
6- 如不急凍, 雞脾要待涼才可斬件, 否則皮好易會脫落
7- 米一定要乾身才可以炒, 非常重要
8- 煲飯時要落少一點水, 因為米已是半熟, 否則會過腍
9- 各牌子飯吸水量不同, 要自己小心調整, 我只能說出大概份量
tonytsang and kareny recipy

