

CH: 香蝦茄子(egg plant and shrimps in Hoisin Sauce)

<<通少食譜夠簡單, 即學即整無話難>>


我加左雪櫃淨低幾急凍蠔, 不過唔係幾夾, 大家唔加好過呀

而茄子加蝦o既配搭都幾得意, 海鮮醬甜甜地都非常好味呀 

茄子好多人都會用泡油, 咁煮會快熟, 同埋唔會令肉身變黑, 不過我嫌用得多油, 所以只會用半煎半蒸形式去煮, 其實之前講過啦, 大家可以重溫下以下兩個用茄子整幾食譜

>> 黑椒玉子豆腐茄子煲
>> 魚香茄子

正所謂: 爽口鮮蝦燴茄子, 美味可口您要試


<<通少食譜夠簡單, 即學即整無話難>>
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右
1- 茄子3條, 切件 (3 Egg plants, cut into pieces)
2- 大蝦8-10隻, 解凍, 去殼留尾洗淨 (8-10 large large shrimps, peeled)
3- 青蔥3條左右, 切大段 (3 Green onion, cut into pieces)
4- 薑片3-4片, 非必要 (3 slices gingers)
5- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)

1- 李x牌海鮮醬 3 湯匙 (3 tbsp Hoisin Sauce)
2- 蠔油 1 湯匙 (1 tbsp oyster sauce)
3- 水 3-4 湯匙 (3-4 tbsp water)

1- 蝦抹乾, 先用少許鹽, 胡椒粉, 麻油, 醃15分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 油熱先爆香一半蒜蓉, 加茄子炒一炒, 無油唔好怕, 加少少水蓋上蓋焗至差不多乾水, 再炒一陣, 重覆以半煎, 半蒸煮到茄子變色(白肉變黃, 紫皮變啡), 盛起待用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 油熱先爆香餘下一半的蒜蓉, 再落蝦炒至全熟
4- 加回茄子, 連同蔥段, 加汁料快手炒至杰身即可

1- Marinade the shrimps with some pepper, salt, sesame oil, for 15 min
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the half of the garlic until brown.  Add and stir fry the egg plants.  Add some water to cook with closed lid.  Stir fry it once the water is dried out.  Repeat the last two step until the egg plants is done (the egg plants will trun from white to yellow, the skin will turn from purple to brown).
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  tir-fry the half of the garlic until brown.  Add and stir fry the shrimps until done
4- Add the egg plants back with green onion.  Stir-fry the ingredient with the sauce until the sauce becomes thick.


1- 茄子好食油, 唔好不斷加油, 好唔健康, 加水去焗一陣, 炒一陣比較好
2- 鮮蝦煮前用鹽略醃會令肉質更爽, 但不要醃太久
3- 除了蝦, 也可以加帶子
4- 水, 最好逐少逐少加, 比較容易控制杰度
5- 買茄子唔好貪大, 要短, 中等身材, 皮膚紫色先好買呀
<<通少食譜夠簡單, 即學即整無話難>>

