

CH: 香辣海鮮煲(Spicy seafood hot pot)

本來要去呀媽家吃飯, 但係佢唔舒服, 咁就無謂打攪佢啦

問題就出現啦, 我諗著今晚唔洗煮, 所以我無解凍d 野食呀, 咁我可以食咩做晚餐呢?

頭痛完一輪, 打開個雪櫃, 我決定有咩煮咩呀, 我見有急凍熟蝦, 又有半磅魚滑, 又有成包蟹柳, 心諗掂啦, 就煮海鮮煲啦

海鮮煲加粉絲可以話好正, d 汁比粉絲索晒, 正呀, 不過唔可以等太耐, 否則就會索晒水, 好乾呀

哈哈哈, 成個煲真係即時諗, 即時正, 我都覺得自己好有急材呀

你都可以試下, 因為唔難又好味, 又唔洗點準備喎, 真係快靚正呀

正所謂: 香辣海鮮粉絲煲, 話整就整無難度

賣相都唔差呀, 下次可以試下整咖哩呀

材料 Ingredients:
1- 無殼熟蝦8隻 (或鮮蝦, 挑腸去殼) (8 cooked shirmps)
2- 陵魚滑半磅 (1/2 lbs white fish paste)
3- 大蛋1隻 (1 Large egg)
4- 蟹柳4-5條切粒 (4-5 crab meat sticks)
5- 粉絲適量 (Some dried rice noodle)
6- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切片 (1 medium onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
7- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
8- 乾紅蔥1粒, 去衣, 切片 (1 dried shallots, peeled, sliced)
9- 青蔥1條, 洗淨, 切粒 (1 green onion, cleaned, chopped)
10- 豆腐乾4個, 飛水, 每個切成4份,(非必要)(4 fried tofu, cuto in 4 pieces)

1- 金寶濃縮雞湯1/2罐 (1/2 cane of concentrated chicken broth)
2- 水2/3罐 (2/3 cane of water)
3- 蠔油 2湯匙 (2 tbsp oyster sauce)
4- 生抽 2 茶匙 (2 tsp soya)
5- 老抽 1 茶匙 (1 tsp black soya)
6- 辣椒油 2-3 茶匙 (2-3 tsp spicy oil) 

1- 陵魚滑和蛋撈勻, 蝦抹乾, 用少許鹽, 胡椒粉, 麻油醃10分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 先炒好魚滑成魚餅或魚碎, 盛起備用
3- 煲仔大火將汁料1-2煲滾, 加入豆腐轉中火炆5分鐘, 加入汁料3-5攪勻
4- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香乾紅蔥, 蒜蓉, 再加蝦炒至7成熟, 加洋蔥和少許鹽炒至軟身, 加回魚碎, 蟹柳, 和辣椒油快手兜勻
5- 先將粉絲放入煲內, 再將所有材料舖上, 熄火焗2分鐘(讓粉絲吸汁), 灑上蔥花即成

1- Mix the egg with the fish paste.  Dry the shrimps with towel.  Marinade the shrimps with a bit of pepper, sesame oil, salt for 10 min
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Fry the fish paste as fish cake.  Put it aside
3- Put the chicken broth in the pot.  Add the tofu once it is boiled for 5 min.  Add sauce ingredient 3-5 and mix it well.
4- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir fry the shallot, garlic until brown.  Add the shirmp and cook it to almost done.  Add and stir fry the onion with some salt until soft.  Add back the fish cake, crab meat and spicy oil. Mix them well.
5- Put the rice noodle in the hot, above the tofu, layer on top with the cooked ingredient.  Turn off the heat and cook it for 2 min.  Add some green onion to decorate.


1- 最好焗完即食, 否則就會一點汁也沒有(粉絲吸晒)
2- 汁料3-5可以和海鮮同炒, 但加入煲後要攪勻

