

CH: 鮮蠔芋絲炆冬菇 (Oyster and yam bundle with mushroom)


當日佢出左個"蠔豉髮菜炆冬菇", 我o地兩個講下講下, 竟然講出新煮意, 就係用鮮蠔代替蠔豉, 芋絲代替髮菜啦, 哈哈

一講就要做, 立即去買芋絲同急凍蠔呀, 效果出黎, 真係好鬼好味呀, d 芋絲索晒d 蠔汁, 加埋東菇既香味, 真係好好味呀

(一路寫, 一路留口水呀)

不過蠔真係好鬼腥, 我已經用左生粉洗左3次, 再用薑爆過都係唔得, 大家有無咩好辦法去腥呀?

係呀, 記得煲多少少飯呀, 唔好話我唔提定你先呀, 哈哈哈

正所謂: 鮮蠔冬菇加芋絲, 味道一絕試真o的 


烹調時間: 50分鐘左右

材料 Ingredients:
1- 急凍生蠔4-6隻, 解凍洗淨 (4-6 Frozen Oyster, deforzed)
2- 芋絲1包, 去水 (1 bag Yam bundle, drained)
3- 冬菇10隻左右, 浸軟去蒂 (10 Mushroom, soaked, tail removed)
4- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
5- 薑片2-3片 (2-3 slice gingers)

1- 糖1茶匙 (1 tsp sugar)
2- 蠔油2湯匙 (2 tbsp oyster sauce)
3- 水一杯左右 (1 cup of water)

做法 Methods:
1- 蠔先用生粉水徹底洗淨, 再用少許胡椒粉, 蒜鹽醃5分鐘
2- 芋絲用凍水略洗, 隔乾水用少許老抽醃5分鐘
3- 冬菇搾乾水, 用少許生抽, 糖, 麻油醃10分鐘
4- 快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 薑片, 落蠔, 加少去生抽快手兜幾下, 下冬菇炒一陣至有香味, 加入芋絲, 水蓋上蓋, 水一滾轉慢火煮10-15分鐘
5- 最後加入蠔油和糖兜勻試味, 熄火再焗5分鐘即可

1- Clean well the oyster with corn starch.  Marinade it with some pepper and garlic salt for 5 mins
2- Wash the yam bundle with cold water.  Drain well and marinade it with black soya for 5 mins
3- Drained the mushroom.  Marinade it with some soya, sugar and sesame oil for 10 min
4- Heat the pan with oil in hight heat.  Stir-fry the garlic, ginger first.  Add and stir fry the oyster with some soya.  Add the mushroom and stir-fry for 1-2 min.  Add the yum bundle and water.  Close the lid and turn the heat to low once it is boiled.  Cook for 10-15mins
5- Add the oyster sauce and sugar to taste.  Turn the heat off and let it continues cooking for 5 mins.


1- 蠔要用生粉洗刷乾淨
2- 炆時可以將蠔放在芋絲上面, 咁做會令芋絲吸入更多蠔汁, 而蠔也不會縮得太厲害
3- 各人爐頭火力不一, 要小心調整時間, 炆時約不夠水, 可以加熱水保充
4- 蠔油逐少加入, 然後試味, 不要一次下得太多

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