

CH: o急汁骨 (Spare ribs in L&P Worcestershire Sauce )

其實係數字排骨, 但係我就改左, 我唔用醋改用o急汁, 而且我加重o急汁份量啦

o急汁好好味呀, 又酸又辣, 真係好惹味呀, 而我將數字排骨個汁加倍, 點解? 因為我買d一字排骨太大囉, 原本個分量浸唔晒d排骨呀

blog友"靚靚煮飯婆"話過, 如排骨醃過夜, 煮完 d 骨就好易甩, 不過我通常都係朝早返工前解凍, 放工就煮, 無試過醃過夜呀, 但大家好以試下, 但記得唔好落得咁鹹呀, 醃過野, 真係會鹹好多呀

仲有一樣要注意, 就係炆前最好先煎好外面或飛過水先, 一來可以除臭, 二來封左個面就可以保持肉汁, 大家記得呀

正所謂: 一字排骨加o急汁, 香口惹味確係得

唔係講笑, 個汁真係好鬼惹味呀

烹調時間: 約60分鐘

材料 Ingredients:
1- 1字排骨6-8條, 1磅半左右 (Spare ribs 6-8 pieces, or 1 lbs around)
2- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)

1- 紹興酒 2 湯匙 (Chinese cooking white wine, 2 tbsp)
2- 糖 3 湯匙 (3 tbsp white sugar)
3- 生抽 1 湯匙 (1 tbsp soya sauce)
4- 老抽 2-3 湯匙 (2-3 tbsp black soya sauce)
5- o急汁 6 湯匙 (6 tbsp L&P Worcestershire sauce)

1- 先要同排骨出水(去腥臭), 洗淨
2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 再加排骨, 用少許生抽, 老抽煎香表面和上色
3- 下汁料(除o急汁)和落水蓋過3/4材料, 大火滾起炆5分鐘, 轉中火慢炆40分鐘, 加o急汁撈勻轉大火炆多5分鐘, 熄火, 焗10分鐘
4- 排骨排碟, 汁再用大火滾起, 加少許生粉水整杰, 再淋上排骨即成

1- Boil the spare ribs for 5 min and clean it well.
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir fry the garlic until brown.  Add and stir-fry the spare ribs with some soya and black soya until the surface turn brown.
3- Add the sauce (except L& P sauce) and water to cover 3/4 of the ingredients and heat it up until it is boiled.  Cook with close lid for 5 min.  Turn the heat to medium and cook for 40 min.  Add the L&P sauce and turn to heat to high and cook for 5 min more.  Turn off the heat and let it cook for 10 min.
4- Put the ribs on the dish, boil the sauce again with some corn starch until the sauce turns thick.  Add it over the ribs.


1- o急汁最後落可保持酸度
2- 排骨可以急凍一晚, 明日朝開始拿出解凍, 讓血水自然流出, 也可以除臭
3- 排骨亦好用凍水洗淨, 再用生粉包著去炸, 這樣當然會更好味但比較熱氣及油膩

