

CH: 欖菜腰果雞柳 (Chicken with cashew)

哩個可以話係我自創菜色呀 (我唔知有無咁樣煮啦, 但至少我無跟任何食譜整既)

哩碟菜色靈感來自大排檔呀, 我知道N年前有本雜誌講過係香港有個大排檔有好出名既小炒, 係用腰果,雞柳,加蝦乾咁上下

我諗下諗下, 好想試下, 於是將認為惹味既材料炒埋一碟, 真係好正呀, 好鬼惹味, 食到我停唔到口呀, 如果飲杯啤酒啤啤佢, 真係無得頂呀

全碟菜最重要係個鑊氣, 火要夠猛, 所以材料都要好快手咁炒好, 咁就會有鑊氣啦.  唔好以為要噴晒火先叫有鑊氣(唔係去拍戲呀)

其實係指用最短時間去炒熟材料, 使材料留失既精華減到最低呀, 所以通常要大火先做到, 你煮菜快火炒, 點都好味過無火, 慢慢炆熟啦, 所以唔好以為要有鑊氣, 就要去放火呀, 唔洗架, 係屋企如果火力掌握個得好, 都可以做到好有鑊氣 (不過易潔鑊就好難, 因為燒紅易潔鑊會好易燒壞個鑊呀)

正所謂: 欖菜腰果炒雞柳, 鑊氣足夠就一流

快靚正, 送啤酒一流呀

1- 雞全脾4隻, 起骨去肥, 切件
(4 whole boneless chicken leg, cut into pieces)
2- 洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲
(1 medium onion, peeled, sliced)
3- 紅洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切絲(非必要)
(1 medium red onion, peeled, sliced, optional)
4- 青椒1個, 去核, 切絲 (1 medium green pepper, sliced)
5- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
6- 紅蔥頭2茶匙 (2 tsp chopped shallots)
7- 熟腰果15粒左右 (around 15 cooked cashews)
8- 黑欖菜2湯匙 (2 tbsp black olive)
9- 薑片 2塊 (2 sliced ginger)

1- 米酒1湯匙 (1 tbsp Chinese rice wine)
2- 老抽3茶匙 (3 tsp black soya)
3- 生抽1湯匙 (1 tbsp soya sauce)
4- 辣椒油1-2茶匙 (1-2 tsp spicy oil)

做法: Methods
1- 先將雞用用基本野醃一醃15分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉,紅蔥頭, 薑片, 落雞件快火炒香雞件外面至金黃, 落少許水, 蓋上蓋焗2分鐘或至全熟, 盛起備用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香洋蔥, 紅洋蔥加少許鹽略炒至軟身,  再加入雞件略炒, 贊酒快手炒勻再焗30秒, 再加入餘下汁料(2-3)快手兜勻, 最後加入腰果, 黑欖菜熄火兜勻即可

1- Marinade the chicken with the spices as usual for 15 min
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic, shallots, and ginger for 1-2 minutes.  Add and stir-fry the chicken until it turns brown.  Add some water and cook it through for 2 min or until chicken is done.  Put it aside
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the onion, red onion and add some salt to cook it until soft.  Add the chicken back and stir fry it with the wine for about 30 sec.  Add the rest of the sauce (2-3) and mix it well.  Turn off the heat and add the black olive and cashew.  Mix it well.


1- 腰果若未熟, 買回來先飛一飛水, 再炸或焗熟它
2- 腰果和黑欖菜要最後先樂, 否則口感會不好
3- 酒, 辣椒油可以不落
4- 雞肉好難熟, 最好先煎好再用少少水去焗熟佢, 咁雞又熟又滑

1 則留言:

  1. 恭喜曬, 今日見到"電腦廣場" 介紹你個BLOG, 唔知你自己睇左未呢?
