

CH: 椰菜蝦米炒肉片 (Cabbage with pork)

食左咁多肉, 又係時候食下菜啦 (唔係便秘就唔好啦)

我開頭仲諗著炒完, 唔會點有味啦, 點知煮完一試個菜汁, 真係鮮甜都不得了呀

椰菜本身都好硬淨, 大家唔懶既話, 洗完可以切絲, 咁樣炒時會比較易控制

其他野就無咩特別要注意啦, 所以呢, 哩個有係一個快靚正既好菜色啦, 放工返家先煮都無問題呀

正所謂: 椰菜蝦米炒肉片, 菜汁鮮甜好鬼掂

甜椰椰, 唔通就係指椰菜好甜? 哈哈

材料 Ingredient:
1- 椰菜1個, 切絲或件, 洗淨 (1 Cabbage, shredded)
2- 豬肉半磅, 切片 (1/2 lbs of Pork, sliced)
3- 乾蝦米6-8粒, 浸軟, 洗淨 (6-8 dired shirmps, soaked)

做法 Methods:
1- 豬肉先用基本野醃一醃15分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 炒熟豬肉, 盛起備用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 炒香椰菜, 加少去鹽炒至軟身, 加回豬肉, 乾蝦米略炒, 加約1杯水, 焗2-3分鐘, 先試味, 唔夠味才加少許鹽調味即成

1- Marinade the pork with the usual spices for 15 mins.
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the meat until done.  Put it aside
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the cabbage with some salt until soft.  Add the pork back and the dired shirmps.  Add 1 cup of water and cook it with the closed lid for 2-3 min.  Taste the sauce, add salt if necessary 


1- 蝦米加椰菜已經好甜, 所以要試左味先好調味
2- 蝦米浸完記得要洗一洗呀, 通常都有沙

