

食譜: 韓國泡菜炒芽菜 (Stir Fried Kimichi with bean sprouts)

唔知大家喜唔喜歡芽菜呢, 我覺得配湯麵就唔錯, 我食越南粉, 通常都落好多

本來諗著用鹹菜去煮, 但係泡菜上次煮完牛肉淨左半包, 咁無理由唔用佢嘛, 無所謂啦, 其實兩個味道都差唔多o者

不過味道真係幾夾呀, 辣辣地好好味呀, 不過我d泡菜真係麻麻地呀, 下次真係要唔好貪方便, 買急凍泡菜啦, 口感唔多好呀, 又唔係好夠酸喎

正所謂: 韓國泡菜夠香辣, 清淡芽菜好配搭

清中帶點香辣, 的確唔錯

材料 Ingredients:
1- 泡菜4-5塊, 切細塊 (4-5 pieces Kimchi, cut into small pieces)
2- 芽菜半磅左右, 洗淨 (1/2 lbs bean sprouts, cleaned and drained)
3- 青蔥4條, 去根, 切段 (4 green onion, cut into pieces)

做法 Methods:
1- 快火落油起鑊, 先炒香芽菜, 加入泡菜, 青蔥炒香, 加1/4杯水左右蓋好蓋, 煮3-4分鐘, 加入少許鹽調味, 熄火, 加入1茶匙麻油即成

1- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the bean sprout.  Add and stir-fry the kimichi and green onions.  Add 1/4 cup of water.  Covered by a lid, cook for 3-4 mins.  Add a bit of salt to taste.  Turn off the heat.  Add and mix 1 tsp of sesame oil.


1- 唔怕辣可以再加些辣椒粉或醬去炒
2- 泡菜炒過會更香口 

