

食譜: 海鮮三寶燴白汁 (Seafood in white sauce)

我通常煮海鮮都係用急凍的, 無計啦, 我係懶人, 唔用懶人既材料又點得啦, 呵呵呵

如果你住既地方方便的話, 你當然可以用新鮮海鮮代替啦, 我就無咁幸福啦, 唔係時時有新鮮海鮮架 (有通常都會好貴)

我哩碟個味道真係唔錯架, 可惜係我無白酒, 如果加d白酒會更香.  唔緊要啦, 下次整過 (都唔知幾時會再整

正所謂: 洋蔥白汁燴海鮮, 香滑易整好easy

真係唔難又好味, o岩晒我o地哩d 懶人一族

Ingredients: 4 人份量 (for 4 people)
1- 急凍青口 8 隻, 洗淨 (8 frozen mussels)
2- 急凍中熟蝦 12 隻 (12 medium forzen cooked shirmps)
3- 急凍中帶子 8 隻 (8 medium forzen scalops)
4- 大洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切絲 (1 large onion, slided)
5- 蒜蓉 1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
6- 牛油 2湯匙 (2 tbsp butter)
7- 罐頭磨菇忌廉湯 1 罐 (1 cane of cream mushroom soup)
8- 半罐水, 或1/3罐花奶 (1/2 cane of water or 1/3 cane of steamed milk)

1- 將急凍海鮮用胡椒粉, 少許鹽醃一醃20分鐘
2- 中火落牛油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 加洋蔥炒至軟身, 轉快火, 再加急凍海鮮炒至8成熟
3- 加入罐頭磨菇忌廉湯, 一面逐少逐少加入水, 或花奶, 一面攪勻, 加到汁杰, 熄火, 灑上香草即成 (我用parsely + basil)

1- Marinade the seafood with salt and white pepper for 20 mins
2- Heat the pan with medium heat.  Add butter and garlic unitl the garlic turns brown.  Add the onion and cook it until soft.  Turn to high heat, add the seafood.  cook it until done.
3- Add the cream mushroom soup paste, add the water or steamed milk bit by bit and stir it on the same time until the sauce turn thick enough.  Turn off the heat and add the spices (I use parsely and basil)


1- 急凍蝦以31-40size, 出產於泰國為佳
2- 用鹽醃海鮮, 可以使肉質更爽口
3- 如不喜歡罐頭磨菇忌廉湯內的磨菇, 可以先用半罐水開稀, 再用慮隔, 隔開忌廉湯和磨菇

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