

食譜: 泰式酸甜香辣雞 (Sour and Sweet chicken in Thai style)

實在有好多食譜影左相未出, 排緊隊

係年尾, 哩個將會係通少廚房2007年最後一個食譜, 其他食譜就要等到出年先出啦

哩碟已經3個星期前煮啦, 我希望我無記錯d步驟同材料啦, 你知啦, 聖誕節都煮左唔少野, 真係好易唔記得之前煮過乜呀

講番哩碟雞, 真係酸酸甜甜好惹味, 精髓係汁要夠酸, 同埋一定要有金不換

正所謂: 泰式酸甜香辣雞, 白飯兩碗無走雞

D 汁真係好正架

材料 Ingredients: 4人份量 (for 4 people)
1- 無骨雞扒5-6塊切片 (5-6 Bonless chicken steaks)
2- 中型洋蔥 2個切片 (2 Medium onions, slided)
3- 罐頭菠籮片 6片, 1片切開4份 (6 slides pineapples cut into 4 pieces)
4- 金不換 2 條, 只取葉塊 (8-10 Basil Leaves)
5- 中型青椒 2個, 去核切片 (2 Medium green peppers, cut shredded)
6- 蒜蓉 1 湯匙 (Chopped garlic 1 tbsp)

Sauce: (大約, 請自行調整)
1- 水 2-3湯匙 (Water 2-3 tbsp)
2- 茄汁 2 湯匙 (ketchup 2 tbsp)
3- 糖 2 湯匙 (Sugar 2 tbsp)
4- 白醋 1 湯匙 (White vinegar 1 tbsp)
5- 魚露 4 茶匙 (Fish sauce 4 tsp)
6- 檸檬汁 1 湯匙 (Limonade 1 tbsp)
7- 辣椒醬 2 茶匙 (Chili sauce 2 tsp)
(調出的味道應該是較酸, 較濃, 顏色偏紅)

做法 Methods:
1- 先將雞肉用基本野醃15分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉至金黃, 落雞肉炒至7成熟 (表面已變色), 盛起備用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香洋蔥至軟身, 加青椒菠籮片略炒
4- 加回雞肉略炒, 加2湯匙水和2湯匙罐頭菠籮甜水, 加金不換葉焗4-6分鐘
5- 加入汁料, 快速兜滾至杰身即可

1- Marinade the chicken with the usual spices
2- Heat the pan with high heat and add oil.  Stir fry the garlic to brown.  Stir fry the chicken until medium done
3- Heat the pan with high heat and add oil. Stir fry the onion until soft.  Add and stir fry the green peppers and pineapples
4- Add back the chicken.  Add 2 tbsp water, 2 tbsp water from pineapple cane, basil leaves and cook it for 4-6 mins
5- Mix the sauce well with all the ingredient until it becomes thick.


1- 汁料不要煮太耐, 否則會失去酸味
2- 焗雞時, 不要落太多罐頭菠籮甜水, 否則材料可能會儂"

