

食譜: 法式洋蔥湯 (French Onion soup)

外母係 boxing day 煮的法式洋蔥湯
我在旁偷師, 發覺原來好容易整

不過你必須要有一個中型載湯的碗, 或如下圖一樣的湯砵

正所謂: 芝士法式洋蔥湯, 滋味無窮沒法擋


材料 Ingredients: 4 人份量 (for 4 people)
1- 大洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲 (1 large onion, peeled and sliced thinly)
2- 大紅洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲 (1 large red onion, peeled and sliced thinly)
3- 方包4片 (4 slices white bread)
4- 雞湯1罐 (1 can of chicken broth)
5- 牛油 3 湯匙 (butter 3 tbsp)
6- 刨碎Mozella 芝士適量(至少半包) (shredded Mozella cheese)

做法 Methods:
1- 中火落牛油起鑊, 爆香洋蔥, 紅洋蔥絲, 炒至軟身, 放入湯砵中
2- 方包焗成多士, 切粒, 放入湯砵中
3- 每個湯砵(4個)依深度倒入1/3雞湯, 1/3水, 不要注滿整個湯砵
4- 餘下的1/3則舖上芝士
5- 焗爐先預熱攝氏200度, 放入湯砵, 轉250度(用滾模式), 焗20-25分鐘

1- Heat the pan with medium heat with butter.  Stir fry the onions until brown. Put them into the bowls
2- Toast the bread and cut them into small cubes.  Put them into the bowls
3- Fill up 1/4 of the bowl with chicken broth.   Fill up another 2/4 of the bowl with water.
4- Sprinkle evenly the rest of 1/4 of the bowl with cheese
5- Preheat the oven with 200 Celsius.  Put the bowls into the oven.  Change the tempeture to 250 Celsius with Boil mode and boil it for 20-25 min.


1- 各人焗爐火力不同, 所以時間未必一樣, 重點是要焗至芝士變金黃即可
2- 如果你好鹹一點, 可以加少許鹽去炒洋蔥
3- 舖上芝士前, 可以加入你喜歡的香草, 如thyme

1- 這就是煮洋蔥湯的湯砵, 沒有的話, 可以用類似深, 闊的湯碗

