


為方便大家搜尋食譜, 我已將食譜分類如下:

泰式綠咖哩雞 (Thai Green Curry Chicken)
泰式酸甜香辣雞 (Sour and Sweet chicken in Thai style)
椰汁香芋雞煲 (Chicken and Taro in Coconut milk sauce)
葡汁雞翼 (Chicken wings in coconut flavored curry sauce)
白汁雞皇煲 (Chicken in white cream sauce)
欖菜腰果雞柳 (Chicken with cashew)
路絲瑪莉烤雞 (Baked Rosemary chicken)
通少海南雞飯 (Hainan chicken Rice and chicken)
通少三杯雞 (Chicken with 3 different spices)
通少香茅雞扒 (Lemongrass chicken legs)
通少蘇梅荔枝雞 (Chicken and lychee in Plum sauce)
黑椒蜜糖煎雞翼 (Chicken wings with black pepper and honey sauce)
松子西芹雞丁 (Stir-fry chicken with celery)
日式燒汁煎雞翼 (Teriyaki chicken wings)
竹笙彩椒炒雞柳 (Stir-fry chicken with bamboo fungus)
香茅西芹雞 (Stir fry chicken with lemongrass and celery)
通少豉油雞脾 (Marinaded chicken legs)
蕃茄西芹炒雞柳 (stir-fry chicken with tomato and celery)
芝麻手撕雞 (shredded chicken)
檸檬酒香焗雞脾 (Baked chicken legs in lemon sauce)
士多啤梨炒雞柳 (Stir-fry chicken in strawberry sauce)
香菇紹菜炒雞柳 (Stir-fry chicken with cabbage and mushroom)
茄汁煎香草雞扒 (Fry chicken fillet in tomato sauce)
茶菇雲耳炆雞柳 (Fry chicken with special fungus)
三色甜酸菠蘿雞 (Fry chicken in sweet and sour sauce)
荔枝香鴨綠咖哩 (Grilled duck with lychee in green curry sauce)
通少茶熏雞 (Smoked chicken with tea leaves)
粟米雞絲 (Stir-fry chicken in sweet corn cream)
蒜蓉豆豉三色雞 (Chicken in garlic & black bean sauce)
薯蓉忌廉雞 (Mesh potato and chicken in creamy sauce)
中式雞柳 (Fry chicken in sweet and sour sauce)
雙菇栗子雞 (Chicken with mushroom and chestnut)
泰綠茄子咖哩雞 (Chicken and thai eggplant in green curry sauce)
雪飛雞 (Steam chicken with snow fungus)
薯仔炆雞翼 (Simmered chicken wings with potato)
金雞絲煲 (Chicken with Enoki mushroom hot pot)
芋頭香鴨煲 (Grilled duck with taro hot pot)
金雞茄子豆腐煲 (Chicken with eggplant, tofu and salty egg hot pot)
木耳雞柳炒蓮藕 (Stir fry chicken with lotus root and fungus)
香辣合桃炒雞柳 (Stir fry chicken with walnut)
芝香豆腐磚 (Cheesy tofu in tomato sauce)
通少咖哩雞 (HK style Curry chicken)
百鳥歸巢 (Steam chicken with Agrocybe and black fungus)
香茅焗雞翼 (Grill chicken wings with lemon grass and honey)
通少三杯炆香雞 (Simmer chicken in balsamic vinegar sauce)
通少豉油雞 (simmered chicken in Soya sauce)
香芒雞扒 (Fry chicken with mango sauce)
香甜雞柳小炒皇 (Stir fry chicken with assorted vegetables)
黑椒茄子炒雞柳 (Stir fry chicken with egg plant in black pepper sauce)
惹味磨豉雞扒 (Pan fry chicken in ground bean sauce)
麵豉雞鎚 (Chicken thighs in miso sauce)
芝士雞柳 (Stir-fry chicken with cheese)
舞茸雞柳 (Stir fry chicken with maitake mushroom)
三椒炒鴨絲 (Stir fry duck with 3 bell peppers)
茄豆雞皇 (Cheesy chicken with baked bean)
栗子雞皇 (Stir fry chicken with chestnut)
雪玉子雞 (Steam chicken with egg tofu)

甜甜美極雞翼 (Pan-fried chicken wings with maggie)

忌簾雞燴薯蓉 (Cream of chicken with mashed potato)

芋薯雙趣鳳翼煲 (Simmer chicken wings with taro and
sweet potato)

雞中蜜檸 (Chicken wings in special lemon sauce)

脆香甜酸雞 (Stir fry chicken with zucchini in
tomato sauce)

極速咕嚕香酥雞 (Special Chicken nuggets in sweet and
sour sauce)

黃金右腳 (The crispy golden chicken legs)

鹽焗雞翼 (Barbecue chicken wings)

香滑粟芋雞柳 (chicken & potato/taro with sweet corn cream)

香酥酸辣嫩雞扒 (Pan-fried chicken in special hot sauce)

金沙雞柳 (Pan-fried chicken in creamy salty egg yolk sauce)

滋味玉子雞 (Grill Chicken with egg tofu and mayonnaise)

紅酒果香醉雞翼 (Chicken wings in Strawberry red wine sauce)

泰香芒果炒滑雞 (Stir-fry chicken with mango in Thai Style)

田園脆香雞 (Pan-fry paprika chicken with fresh tomato sauce)

終極西檸脆香雞 (Baked chicken strips with special lemon sauce)

