蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 (sweet potato starch)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
tonytsang and kareny recipy
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Hello 通少: 我想問整麻糬波波的木薯粉係咪即是生粉呢?因為我見兩者的英文寫法同樣是 tapioca,其實係咪亦即係用o黎做西米 (Sago)的原材料呢? 講開相同的英文字,小 茴香同孜然都同樣係 cumin,咁係咪又即係同一樣野呢?
[版主回覆11/18/2008 01:07:00]當然唔係啦, 每樣粉嘅杰度不同嘅, 由唔同材料做出嚟啦
So you mean 木薯粉 & 生粉 are not the same thing, then where can I buy 木薯粉? Also why do they both named tapioca?
回覆刪除Thanks again!
[版主回覆11/20/2008 09:36:00]Yes... they are different. 生粉 could be corn starch as well... not Tapioca. For western world, a lot of chinese ingredients cannot be translated directly. They will call a lot of similar ingredient into one name. I am not the manufacturer so that I don't why their name is the same. Also, I don't know where you live. I can find the 木薯粉 at chinese supermarket here.
回覆刪除Thank you very much!
[版主回覆11/25/2008 01:29:00]唔好客氣啦