tonytsang and kareny recipy
用最快時間令食物表面煮熟, 可以令肉汁保留於食物內, 那就能做到肉滑多汁的效果, 通常, 這需要生粉的協助
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Brown the surface of ingredient as quick as possible to keep the moisture or the juice of the ingredients. Since the surface is cooked, the juice or the moisture inside of the ingredient cannot espace. It will make the ingredients more juicy or more crispy. Sometime, we also need corn starch to coat the ingredient before grill or fry to get a better result.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
tonytsang and kareny recipy
用最快時間令食物表面煮熟, 可以令肉汁保留於食物內, 那就能做到肉滑多汁的效果, 通常, 這需要生粉的協助
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Brown the surface of ingredient as quick as possible to keep the moisture or the juice of the ingredients. Since the surface is cooked, the juice or the moisture inside of the ingredient cannot espace. It will make the ingredients more juicy or more crispy. Sometime, we also need corn starch to coat the ingredient before grill or fry to get a better result.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
請問通少煎封一般要多久? 因為怕太久會煎燶食物...
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/09/2009 08:45:00]很難講, 通常肉的外面變了色, 微焦就可以了
其實, browning 可以鎖水份只係一個誤會, 好多外國o既 research 已經一早証實水份没有流失少了。 從 culinary 角度來說, browning 的作用是提升食物的味道, 比清蒸水煮好味點~!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/23/2009 20:57:00]其實就咁煎封(尤其係外國人煮食), 醃時唔加生粉包著啲肉的話, 的確作用唔大
我無做過research, 所以我都未必啱, 不過我就試過唔落生粉就咁煎肉, 如果你慢慢火煎, 你會發現, 啲肉汁會流晒出嚟, 之後塊肉會比較鞋, 如果你快火煎好兩面先, 轉中火肉入面煮熟, 你會發現, 當切開肉時, 會有好多肉汁流出
不過都好多謝你意見, 如果你覺得無用, 可以唔做嘅