為方便大家搜尋食譜, 我已將食譜分類如下:
蒜芯炒魷魚 (Stir fried squids with garlic shoots)
海鹽煎魚塊 ( Fish fillet with Sea Salt)
海鮮三寶燴白汁 (Seafood in white sauce)
海鮮豆腐西蘭花 (Seafood and egg tofu with Broccoli)
鳳凰魚卷 (Phoenix fish rolls)
甜酸魚塊 (Fish fillet in sweet sour sauce)
香辣海鮮煲(Spicy seafood hot pot)
鮮蠔芋絲炆冬菇 (Oyster and yam bundle with mushroom)
茄汁魚鬆燴海鮮 (Seafood mix in tomato sauce)
帶子炒蘆筍 (Stir-fry scallops with asparagus)
芝士三文魚批 (Salmon cheese pie)
蒜香腰果魷魚(Stir Squids with Cashew)
豉椒芋絲蒸三鮮 (Steam Seafood in black bean sauce)
蒜香蘆筍炒大蝦 (Stir-fry shrimps with asparagus)
紅酒金黃三文魚 (Salmon steak in red wine sauce)
海鮮大炒皇 (Seafoods mix with cashew)
通少一品海鮮煲 (Seafood hot pot)
通少潮式煎蠔餅 (oyster cake)
豆角炒蟹柳 (Stir-fry Crab meat with green beans)
通少清煮鮮龍蝦 (Boiled lobster)
蕃芝三文煎魚扒 (Salmon steak in tomato sauce)
通少蒜蓉蒸蝦皇 (Steam shrimps with minced garlic)
煎釀四寶 (Fry fish paste in 4 peppers)
西檸魚柳 (Fry fish fillet with lemon sauce)
美極鮮帶子 (Scallop with Maggi seasoning)
海鮮壽司 (Seafood sushi)
黃金蝦碌 (Fry shrimps with preserved egg yolk)
日式麵豉煎三文 (Fry salmon in miso sauce)
清蒸海上鮮 (Steam fresh fish)
雙辣魚滑壽司 (Spicy tuna/salmon tofu sushi)
椒鹽三文 (Fry salmon with salt and pepper)
錦繡蝦球 (Stir-fried shrimps with walnuts)
綠咖哩海鮮煲 (Seafood mix in Green curry)
蒜香白酒煮青口 (Mussels in white wine sauce)
紅綠蝦仁 (Shrimps with celery and green bean)
鮮麗腰果炒帶子 (Stir-fry scallop with cashew)
辣醬蝦球 (shrimps and zucchini in spicy sauce)
海皇豆腐 (Seafood mix with soft tofu)
黃金魚餅 (Golden fish cake)
美極蝦球 (Shrimps with Maggi seasoning)
泰魷型 (Fried squid with thai basil)
豉蒸三文 (Steam salmon in black bean garlic sauce)
茄皇海鮮燴豆腐 (Seafood mix with tofu in tomato sauce)
芥辣鮮魷 (Stir-fry calamari in wasabi sauce)
照燒三文魚鰭 (Salmon with teriyaki sauce)
魚鬆茄子豆腐煲(Fish paste, egg plants, tofu hot pot)
魚肉蒸豆腐 (Steam fish paste and tofu with black bean garlic sauce)
甜酸龍俐 (Fry sole in sweet and sour sauce)
香辣蝦煲 (Spicy shrimps with vermicelli hot pot)
香辣菠蘿蝦 (Shrimps with pineapple in spicy and sour sauce)
粟米忌廉蝦豆腐 (shrimps and tofu in sweet corn sauce)
蘿蔔炆魚滑 (Simmered Radish with fish paste)
蒜香海鮮炒荷蘭豆 (Stir fried snow pea with seafood)
白汁脆三文 (Fry salmon in creamy sauce)
火龍魚條 (Fry fish paste with dragon fruit)
菠蘿甜魚 (Fry salmon in pineapple sauce)
韓燒蝦球 (stir fry shrimps with Korean BBQ sauce)
上湯龍蝦球 (Stir fry Lobster with garlic and ginger sauce)
干燒甜豆炒蝦球 (Stir-fry shrimps with snow pea in spicy sauce)
泰香菠蘿炒蝦球 (Stir fry shrimps with pineapple and basil)
通少辣炒蟹 (Stir fry spicy crab)
xo墨魚圓圈 (Calamari ring in XO sauce)
白汁燴蜆 (Clam in white sauce)
士多啤梨蝦仁 (Stir fry shrimps in strawberry sauce)
粟米忌廉魚 (Pan fry fish fillet in corn cream sauce)
大和魚雷 (Fry fish ball in Japanese style)
泰綠海鮮 (Seafood mix in thai green curry)
乾魚小炒皇 (Stir fry dried fish with cashew)
茄汁魚扒 (Pan fry fish cake in tomato sauce)
通少特式煎魚餅 (Special pan fry fish cake)
腐皮魚卷 (Pan fry Bean curd wrap)
海鮮之城 (Seafood mix in potato castle)
鰻汁三文 (Pan-fry salmon in eel sauce)
魚子蝦球蒸豆腐 (Steam shrimps balls on tofu with
鮮焗三文 (Simple baked salmon)
皇子泰魷滑 (Stir-fry squids with special thai sauce)
酸甜蝦蝦笑 (Stir fry shrimps with sweet and sour sauce)
泰紅蝦黃粉絲煲 (Stir fry shrimp with vermicelli in thai red curry)
脆芋海鮮城 (Stir-fry seafood with cripsy taro)
牛油檸香醉三文 (Pan-fry salmon in lime butter sauce)
香滑白汁脆龍脷 (Pan-fry fillet of sole in creamy mushroom sauce)
皇子菇菇拍螺片 (Stir-fried periwinkle with oyster mushroom)
香艷魚柳 (Crispy fish finger in spicy and sour sauce)
泰香脆魚球 (Pan fried fish ball in special Thai sauce)
豉香脆魚塊 [Pan-Fried Sole with garlic and black bean sauce)
香芒蝦皇 (Creamy mango shrimps)
白雲蘆筍配蝦球 (Shrimps with asparagus in creamy sauce)
潮州蠔餅 (Pan-fry oyster cake)
楓糖脆香魚 (Pan-fried Sole with tomato sauce)
鮮茄魚腐 (Fish tofu in fresh tomato sauce)
酒香魚卷 (Prosciutto salmon wrap in creamy red wine sauce)
沙拉芒果脆香魚 (Pan fry sole with mango in miracle sauce)
蒜香白酒鮮青口 (Steam Mussels in white wine sauce)