為方便大家搜尋食譜, 我已將食譜分類如下:
韓國泡菜炒芽菜 (Stir Fried Kimichi with bean sprouts)
日式可樂餅 (コロッケ(korokke))
香煎芋餅 (Taro Cake)
椰菜蝦米炒肉片 (Cabbage with pork)
茄豆蝦仁伴西蘭花 (Ketchup bean and shrimps with broccoli)
沙茶上素 (Vege mix with Chinese style barbecue sauce)
香蝦茄子(egg plant and shrimps in Hoisin Sauce)
蒜香欖菜蒸茄子 (Steam eggplants with olive)
臘腸炒芥蘭 (Chinese sausage with chinese broccoli)
鹹菜炒銀芽 (salted sour cabbage with bean sprouts)
通少素炒皇 (Special Vege mixed)
通少雞汁素炒皇 (vege mix with marinade chicken sauce)
蕃茄鹹菜粒粒齋 (cabbage and tomato vege mix)
辣辣榨菜素小炒 (Spicy veggie mix)
通少茄皇沙律 (Summer tomato salad)
玉子素粒 (Egg tofu with assorted vegetable)
涼伴小吃 (Cold snack)
泡菜金菇燴豆腐 (Kimchi with Enoki and tofu mix)
香菇瑤柱炆蘿蔔 (Mushroom and white radish hot pot)
松子素丁 (Veggie mix with special sauce)
蠔菇筍片 (Oyster mushroom and bamboo shoot)
青絲香菇燴豆腐 (Vege mix with tofu puff)
榨菜香菇炒菜絲 (Stir-fry veggie with cashew)
蒜茸豆豉炒粒粒 (Assorted vegetable in black bean sauce)
雜菌豆腐煲 (Veggie mixes in the hot pot)
通少蠔汁炆香菇 (Simmer Mushroom in oyster sauce)
xo蓮藕炒香菇 (Stir fry vege mixes in XO sauce)
香煎皇菇 (Pan fry king oyster mushroom)
香煮蕃茄蠔菇 (Stir fry oyster mushroom in tomato sauce)
金華津白 (Steam cabbage with proscuitto)
臘香紹菜 (Simmer cabbage with preserved sausage)
陳醋牛油果 (Avocado with Balasmic Vinegar)
惹味沙茶大鑊菜 (Stir-fried vege mix in Chinese barbecue suace)
伊之班咖哩椰菜花 (Cauliflower in Japanses curry sauce)
酸甜茄子 (Crispy eggplants with tomato sauce)
果醬酸甜茄子 (Pan fry egg plants with orange jam sauce)