

通少日式醃肉法 (Tony's Japanese Marinade Method)

tonytsang and
kareny recipy

這種日式醃肉方法是我自己常用的, 但不是最正宗, 也不算是最正確, 只是將我所懂的和大家分享

日式醃肉的基本調味料就是: 日本醬油(日本的生抽), 味醂, 糖, 水,油,生粉

味醂係增味.添色, 喜歡用酒的話, 都可以這時候加入, 味醂還會令肉質鬆軟和增加色澤的功效

醃肉時, 要先用以上調味料料醃15分鐘,
等待調味料滲入肉中, 然後再加生粉攪拌, 再加水
攪拌, 最後才好加油混合

水也會令肉鬆化, 生粉會令肉嫩滑, 油則會將調味料鎖著, 也會令炒時容易散開, 次序最好不要變動

以1磅(450克)肉來講, 通常調味料份量如下:
日本醬油: 1-2 茶匙
味醂: 1 湯匙
: 1/2湯匙
生粉: 1-2湯匙
水: 1 湯匙
油: 1 湯匙
tonytsang and
kareny recipy

網誌排行 <br />top-bloggers.comTony's marinade method

This Japanese marinade method may not be the original method, neither is the best method.  I just share my experience for your reference only

The Japanese marinade method uses the basic
seasoning includes: Japanese soya sauce,sugar, mirin, water, oil, corn starch

Always marinade the meat with the seasoning that giving the flavor and color (like sugar, soya and mirin)
for at least 15 minutes.  You can also add wine oil f you
prefer to.

Then, you mix in the corn starch and mix it well.  Then add water and mix it well.  Finally, you add the oil and mix it well.  Corn starch can smooth the meat's texture. 
Water mists the meat.  Oil will able to lock up the seasoning and make it easy to stir-fry.

For about 1lbs of meat, I will use the
Japanese Soya: 1-2 tsp
mirin: 1 tbsp
sugar: 1/2 tbsp
corn starch: 1-2 tbsp
water: 1 tbsp
oil: 1 tbsp

tonytsang and kareny

