

食譜: 通少鮮奶燉蛋 (Sweet steam egg)

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無癮, 真係好無癮, 本來我都好喜歡我現在哩間公司, 同埋現在做嘅工作, 但新來個經理, 無論對人, 對事, 做事手法, 表達能力各樣都完全唔合格, 我現在返工, 覺得好似去照顧哩個弱智人士, 多過去做電腦測試,
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搵日上網, 找一下, 睇睇有無啲打小人嘅遊戲,

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我實貼我哩個經理個名, 打足24小時, 希望佢身體健康, 花開富貴呀

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好啦, 呻完啦, 有係時候介紹好野比大家, 哩個甜品, 真係超好味呀

出街食, 通常實會淨係用蛋白啦, 係屋企整, 咁淨低個蛋黃,

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你話可以做咩先? 唔同用嚟做mask咩, 所以呢, 我用埋佢, 唔好浪費啦

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要個甜品滑同好味, 奶唔好用無肥嘅skim 奶喎, 因為無肥係唔會滑, 係香港, 唔知有無分, 但係我哩邊, 我會建議用至少2%肥, 咁出嚟效果先會好

糖亦係最難預, 通常糖水煲好前試吓味, 唔夠甜啦, 咪落多少少囉, 但哩個甜品就唔可以, 所以我都只係講出大概嘅份量,

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大家唯有試左先, 下次先自行加加減減啦


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記得要用細火呀, 大火一定整唔到好, 我蒸時用廚房紙濕少少水, 再扭乾, 蓋上每個碗上面, 點解咁做? 因為出面食時, 佢地都會用一啲濕嘅棉布蓋著個碗, 但我屋企無哩啲布, 所以就改用廚房紙囉, 有濕紙或布出嚟會口感會分外細膩,
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我覺得啦, 你食唔食得出就唔知啦, 哈哈

簡單好味道, 大家食過就知道, 記得周末試吓啦,

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
Prep 準備: 10 minutes |  Cook烹調: 15 minutes |  For 份量: 2 people 

材料 Ingredients
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1- 奶1杯 (1 cup of milk)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 大蛋2隻 (2 large egg)
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3- 冰糖, 25克左右 (25g of rock sugar)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 熱水1/4杯 (1/4 cup water)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將冰糖溶入熱水成糖水, 再將所有材料攪勻(圖1), 用隔把蛋漿濾過, 平均注入2個碗中(圖2)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 用湯匙把泡沫去掉, 每個碗蓋上錫紙或濕的廚房紙, 鑊注入水大火滾起, 轉細火, 蓋頂隔水蒸10分鐘即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Dissolve the rock sugar into the hot water.  Mix in with all the other ingredients and blend it well (fig.1).  Filter the mixture into two bowl evenly (fig.2)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Remove the bubble by a spoon.  Cover each bowl with aluminum paper or wet papper towel.  Heat the pan with water over high heat until boiled.  Turn the heat to low.  Steam the mixture with closed lid for 10 minutes.  Serve it hot. 

貼士 Tips
1- 蒸蛋要訣: 碗要薄, 火要細, 蛋要用紙蓋好
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 隔過的蛋漿出來的質感會更幼滑 
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- To make it successful, it is recommended to use a thin container.  Steam it only in low heat.  And remember to cover the bowl with paper towel or aluminum paper.
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2- Filter the mixture will make the texture much better after steamed.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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