

食譜: 茄皇肉粒燴豆腐 (Diced pork and tofu in tomato sauce)

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結果交通癱瘓呀, 好多人都用要2-3個小時先返到屋企呀, 我叫好彩少少啦, 我去到巴士站時, 竟然有巴士嚟到,
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其實我都唔明, 年年都落雪啦, 點解次次第一場雪都會搞到咁麻煩呢, 去到零晨變左落雨呀,

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我今朝見好多車都結晒冰, 好多鄰居要打開個車門都好辛苦

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今日又出蕃茄餸, 記得要煮多啲飯呀, 唔係又唔夠食啦, 哈哈

哩個餸真係超級開胃又易整, 最麻煩當然係將所有材料切粒粒啦,

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不過辛苦完一輪, 出嚟個口感真係唔錯

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不過大家煮蕃茄同豆腐真係要小心, 因為哩兩樣材料都會煮煮下出水, 所以汁料一開始時唔適宜落得太多, 你見我碟餸咁多汁就係好例子啦, 哈哈

今次我覺得加豆腐真係好夾, 平時煮茄汁會覺得好濃味, 加左豆腐就有種平均嘅作用呀,

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濃中帶點清新, 哈哈

唔好講咁多啦, 快啲煮嚟試吓啦,

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通少蕃茄餸, 應該唔會介紹錯

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 枚頭豬肉1磅左右, 切粒 ( 1 lbs of tenderloin pork, diced)
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2- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣切件 (1 medium onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
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3- 蒜蓉2茶匙 (2 tsp chopped garlic)
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4- 紅蔥頭1粒, 切粒 (1 shallots, peeled, diced)
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5- 青椒1個, 切件 (1 green pepper, cut into pieces)
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6- 滑豆腐1盒, 切粒 (1 box of soft tofu, diced)
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7- 蕃茄2個, 切件 (2 beef tomato, cut into pieces)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 老抽2茶匙 (2 tsp black soya)
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2- 茄汁3湯匙 (2 tbsp of ketchup)
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3- 糖1湯匙 (1  tbsp of sugar)
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4- 水1/3杯 (1/3 cup of water)

做法 Steps

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1- 肉粒用基本野醃20分鐘, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將肉粒炒熟 (圖1), 盛起備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 爆香蒜頭, 紅蔥頭再加入洋蔥和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身 (圖2), 再加入青椒, 蕃茄和汁料兜勻煮滾(圖3), 加入肉粒和豆腐兜勻(圖4), 蓋頂焗3分鐘, 上碟即成
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1- Marinade the pork with basic seasoning for 20 minutes.  Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir-fry the pork until fully cooked (fig.1).  Put it aside.

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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the garlic, shallot until fragrant.  Stir-fry the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft (fig.2).  Stir in the green pepper, tomato and the sauce mix, and heat through (fig.3).  Stir in the pork and tofu,  and mix it well (fig.4).  Simmer it for 3 minutes with closed lid.  Dish it up and serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 蕃茄會出水, 所以汁料不宜一開始就加得太多
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2- 汁要酸一點就加多點鹽, 要甜一點就加多點糖
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- Do not make too much sauce mix at the beginning because tomato will release its juice while cooking.
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2- Add some salt to make the sauce sour or add sugar to make it sweet.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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