

食譜: 雙菇栗子雞 (Chicken with mushroom and chestnut)

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落大雪呀, 一早起身出面就白濛濛, 好多雪呀, 巴士又遲喎, 風又大, 真係吹到人都癲呀, 雖然平安到公司, 但唔知放工又要唔要等2個小時車呢,
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因為栗子冬天食係最甜呀, 上年都係哩個時間, 我出哩左個栗子雞煲, 哈哈

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大家知唔知要點揀啲栗子呀? 你有得揀的話, 一定要揀又肥又脹個啲, 因為個啲係最甜, 扁嘅就唔好揀呀

栗子剝殼好麻煩, 有好多唔同嘅方法,

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但我唔覺得有邊個係最好, 我自己就喜歡先用熱水煮5分鐘, 趁熱去剝殼, 大家想知係點, 可以去哩到睇吓>>>(按我)

雞肉我會建議用雞脾肉, 有骨無骨都唔緊要, 最重要係佢耐力夠,

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炆完唔會鞋, 用雞胸就唔好啦, 炆完通常都好乾身, 會比較難吃

加埋雙菇落去炆, 啲菇吸晒啲味,

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好食過啲雞肉添呀, 哈哈, 時間係要用多啲, 不過味道真係好好, 大家一定要試吓呢 

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 55分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 無骨雞柳1磅左右, 切件 (1 lbs of boneless chicken, cut into pieces)
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2- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp of minced garlic)
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3- 栗子20粒, 去殼 (20 chestnut, shell removed)
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4- 草菇1罐 (1 cane of mushroom)
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5- 蔥2條, 去白, 切段 (2 green onions, stemmed off, cut into section)
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6- 冬菇8隻, 浸軟, 去蒂(8 dried mushroom, soaked, stemmed off)
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7- 乾蔥蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp of minced shallot)
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8- 薑2片 (2 slices of ginger)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 生抽1湯匙 (1 tbsp of soya sauce)
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2- 老抽2湯匙 (2 tbsp of black soya sauce)
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3- 糖1/2茶匙 (1/2 tsp of sugar)
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4- 紹興酒2 湯匙 (2 tbsp of chinese cooking wine)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將雞肉用基本野醃15分鐘, 冬菇用生抽, 糖, 麻油醃15分鐘, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將雞肉炒熟盛起備用 (圖1)
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2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 乾蔥, 薑和蔥, 再加入冬菇和草菇炒香 (圖2), 再加回雞肉和汁料兜勻(圖3), 加入水蓋過2/3材料煮滾, 加入栗子, 蓋頂轉中慢火紋40分鐘, 調好味
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the chicken with basic seasoning for 15 minutes.  Marinade the dried mushroom with some soya, sugar and sesame oil for 15 minutes.  Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir-fry the chicken until done (fig.1).  Dish it up and put it aside.

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2- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic, green onion, ginger and shallots until fragrant (fig.2).  Stir in the chicken with the sauce mix and mix it well (fig.3)  Add the water to cover 2/3 of the ingredient and heat through (fig.4).  Stir in the chestnut and simmer it over low medium heat for 40 minutes with closed lid.  Adjust the taste and serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 用來炆的雞肉, 盡可能用雞脾肉, 有骨無骨也沒有所謂的
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2- 汁料要到最後先好調味, 想杰一點則可以加生粉水
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- It is better to use the chicken leg.  It is not important to have bone or bonless.
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2- Ajuste the taste at the end only.  Thicken the sauce if you want.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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