

食譜: 味噌椰菜炒肉絲 (Stir fry pork and cabbage in Miso Sauce)

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休息完一日, 大家有無發現有咩唔妥呢? 我哩個星期都超忙, 都無咩時間去check呀, 如果有咩問題的話, 記得單聲我知喎

今日開始, 所有相都係我新相機影嘅,

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由於我仲未用得好熟, 所以影得唔好, 請多多指教呀, 我會努力去影靚啲啦

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哩個餸係blog友為食貓介紹嘅, 佢比個日本website我去睇, 由於我唔知啲日文講乜, 所以都係自己試吓試吓咁, 不過味道都唔錯喎

麵豉其實真係有好多種, 唔同地方出嘅味都唔同,

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我個人就無乜喜好, 不過會建議大家用白麵豉, 因為味道比較中和, 而紅麵豉味道就較濃, 我個人就唔多喜歡啦

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椰菜切絲炒時容易腍, 如果想佢再快啲腍, 可以加啲水焗吓佢, 至於芋絲, 唔落都無所謂啦, 但我個人非常喜歡芋絲, 放佢落去索吓啲汁我覺得好好味呀

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哩個餸有菜有肉, 味道清而不淡, 可以話適合一家大細, 大家記得要試吓啦, 包你會滿意呢, 呵呵

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 35分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients

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1- 枚頭豬肉1磅左右, 切片 (1 lbs of tenderloin pork, sliced)
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2- 椰菜1/4個, 切絲 (1/4 of cabbage, shredded)
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3- 芋絲12粒 (12 yam bundles)
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4- 蒜茸1湯匙 ( 1 tbsp of minced garlic)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 白麵豉4湯匙 (4 tbsp white miso)
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2- 水1/2杯 (1/2 cup water)
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3- 味醂2湯匙 (2 tbsp Mirin)
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4- 日本醬油1湯匙 (1 tbsp Japanese Soya)
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5- 清酒2湯匙 (2 tbsp sake) 

做法 Steps

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1- 先將豬肉用基本醃20分鐘, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先加爆香蒜茸, 再將豬肉炒熟(圖1)盛起備用
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2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 加入椰菜和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身 (圖2), 再加入汁料, 豬肉和芋絲兜勻, (圖3),  蓋頂炆3分鐘(圖4),  調好味, 上碟即成

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1- Marinade the pork with basic seasoning for 20 minutes.  Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil.  Stir fry the garlic until fragrant.  Stir in the Pork and stir fry it until done (fig.1).  Dish it up and put it aside

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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry cabbage with 1 tsp of salt until soft (fig.2).  Stir in the sauce mix, yam bundles, pork and mix it well (fig.3).  Heat it through and simmer it for 3 minutes with closed lid (fig.4).  Adjust the taste and dish it up.  Serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 麵豉不宜煮太耐, 會流失本身的香味
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 椰菜本身有甜味, 可以不用加糖, 但若不夠味的話, 可以隨自己口味加一點
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3- 按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- Do not overcook the miso.  Otherwise, it will lost its favorite
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2- Add sugar if you want but cabbage should have enough sweetness
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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