

食譜:魚香肉絲燴烏冬 (Slice pork with udon in spicy garlic sauce)

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天氣差, 哩幾日心情都唔多靚, 人又唔多精神呀, 聽日仲好似話開始落雪添, 真係雪上加霜呀, 唉~~~

昨日我同太太行街, 哈哈,

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終於都買到禮物比佢做生日禮物呀, 我太太唔係一啲喜歡物質嘅人, 禮物一定要實用, 所以好難唔同佢一齊揀, 因為揀到嘅, 一定要啱佢用, 同埋佢會用先得呀

正所謂: 天氣開始有啲涼, 煲仔菜色又出場

哈哈, 我都好耐無打油詩啦, 哈哈, 哩個煲仔菜真係香口醒胃,

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其實唔用煲仔都得, 不過煮完, 再放入燒熱左嘅煲仔上,
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個感覺特別吸引呀, 哈哈

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好多人都覺得我落豆板醬好怪, 仲會話魚香邊有人落豆板醬呀

無他嘅, 因為我媽媽煮嘅時候會落,

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我又唔覺得有咩唔妥, 咪照落囉, 你唔喜歡, 可以唔落, 改用辣椒醬, 加啲豉油都可以呀, 味道嘅野, 非常個人嘛, 我喜歡的, 唔代表你一定會喜歡

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芽菜記得要先出水, 煮時亦唔需要太早落, 因為出左水都熟熟地, 太早落會腍晒, 無晒口感呀

哩個餸香辣, 惹味, 顏色又靚, 仲一啲都唔難整呀,

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仲等咩呀, 快啲去買料, 一於今晚煲一煲佢啦

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 40分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 枚頭豬肉1磅左右, 切片 (1 lbs of Tenderloin pork, sliced)

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2- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲 (1 medium onion, sliced)
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3- 蔥2條, 去白切段 (2 green onion, stem off, cut into section)
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4- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
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5- 芽菜約200g, 去尾, 洗淨 (200g bean sprouts, stem off)
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6- 滑豆腐1盒切粒 (1 box of soft tofu, diced)
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 即食烏冬粉1包 (1 bag of instant udon)

汁料 Sauce mix
份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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1- 魚香醬4湯匙 (4 tbsp of chinese spicy garlic sauce)
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2- 水1杯 (1 cup of water)
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3- 辣豆板醬1湯匙 (1 tbsp chinese chili bean sauce)
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4- 魚露1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp of fish sauce)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將豬肉基本野醃20分鐘, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將豬肉炒熟(圖1), 隔油備用(圖1), 芽菜出水(約30秒)備用
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快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先爆香蔥和蒜蓉, 洋蔥和1/2茶匙鹽炒軟, 加入豬肉兜勻(圖2), 加入汁料和烏冬煮滾(圖3), 再加入豆腐, 輕手兜勻(圖4), 蓋頂焗3分鐘, 再加芽菜兜勻上碟即成
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1-  Marinade the pork with basic seasoning for 20 minutes.  Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Fry pork until it is fully cooked (fig.1).  Drain well and put is aside.  Blanch the bean sprout for 30 second.  Drain it well.
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the garlic, and green onion until fragrant.  Stir fry the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in the pork and mix it well (fig.2).  Stir in the udon and the sauce mix, and heat through (fig.3).  Stir in the tofu gently (fig.4) and simmer it for 3 minutes with closed lid.  Stir in the bean sprout and mix it well.  Dish it up and serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
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2- 即成烏冬建議買不用過水那種, 否則請先出水
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按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- You can replace the chili bean sauce with chili sauce
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2- Buy the udon that is not required for blanch.  Otherwise, please blanch before cook.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this receipy)

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