

食譜: 日式叉燒通粉 (BBQ pork with macaroni in bonito soup)

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嘩哈哈, 返埋今日, 我放假啦, 等左好耐, 終於都可以去玩啦, 我將消失兩星期, 至於去邊, 等我返嚟話比大家知啦

今日係我旅行前最後一個食譜, 希望大家會喜歡啦

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放假啦, 我唔講咁多啦, 總知唔難煮啦, 但記得唔好將啲叉燒連埋一齊煮呀, 因為叉燒有晒味, 你連湯一齊煮就會破壞湯嘅味道, 亦會破壞叉燒本來味道, 我唔建議咁做啦, 煮好放先放上去, 淋啲湯, 就已經好好味啦

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簡單易整又好味, 記得要試吓呀

正所謂: 日式叉燒湯通粉, 簡單易煮夠吸引

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 30分鐘左右     份量: 2-3人

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 叉燒1磅左右, 切片 (1 lbs of chinese bbq pork)
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2- 紫菜1塊, 切絲 (1 piece of seaweed, shredded)
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3- 海帶芽6粒 (6 dried seaweed)
tonytsang and kareny recipy kareny recipy
4- 竹輪5條(獅子狗卷) (5 Chikuwa, diced)
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5- 粟米1杯 (1 cup of corn)
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6- 通粉1杯+3/4杯 (1+3/4 cup of macaroni )
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7- 青蔥粒3/4杯 (3/4 cup of diced green onion)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 日本湯粉1包(35oz) (1 bag of Bonito Flavored soup stock)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 水500ml (1/2 cup of diced kiwi)

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3- 鹽1茶匙 (3 tbsp of sugar)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將通粉按照盒裝指示煲熟, 過冷河(圖1), 汁料煲滾, 加入粟米及竹輪先煲5分鐘(圖2)
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加入海帶芽和通粉(圖3), 蓋頂, 待湯再滾起, 加入蔥粒及調味, 再將材料盛於碗中, 排上叉燒, 再淋上湯汁, 灑上紫菜絲(圖4)即成 
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Cook the macaroni as per the instruction on the box.  Cool it down with cold water and drain it well (fig.1).  Heat the sauce mix in a pot over high heat.  Add in the corns and chikuwa and heat through.  Simmer it for 5 minutes (fig.2)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- Stir in the the dried seaweed and macaroni (fig.3), and heat through.  Stir in the green onion and adjust the taste accordingly.  Put all the ingredient in 2 bowl evenly.  Put the bbq pork on the top and pour the soup over it.  Add some seaweed on the top of each bowl.  Serve it in hot.
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汁料記得要試味, 要濃一點, 可以加點雞粉, 或多點鹽
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2- 叉燒不用煮的, 以免失去它的味道
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1- Adjust the taste the soup.  Add some chicken powder or salt if you want it tastes stronger.
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2- Do not simmer the bbq in the soup to keep its flavor
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