

食譜: 奇異豬扒 (Pork chop in kiwi sauce)

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昨日在家返工, 因為朝早要去驗血, 其實醫生好耐之前已經要我去驗血, 不過我一直都無時間去呀, 昨日決定去馬, 啦啦臨搞掂佢呀, 反正唔洗錢呀, 哈哈, 不過比人抽完血, 覺得好疲累呀, 所以我都無咩心情出blog呀

奧運不知不覺已經去到中段啦, 時間真係過得好快呀, 哈哈,

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哩幾日煮飯有啲失手呀, 其中有三碟, 我覺得煮得麻麻, 唔知點解呢, 煮飯時好似有啲心不在焉咁呀


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真係夠晒奇異呀, 因為我用奇異果嚟煮呀, 哈哈, 奇異果味道真係好強烈呀, 甜時可以好甜, 酸時可以好酸, 無味時真係可以一啲味都無呀

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我係用新鮮奇怪果去打汁, 我覺得咁做比較健康一啲, 出面賣嘅奇異果汁, 通常加左好多糖, 感覺上好似好甜咁


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就係個味道唔會次次一樣, 要視乎奇異果本身個味道, 所以哩, 汁料係落鑊前, 請試好味先, 否則味道煮完太奇異, 唔好賴我呀

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豬扒要點煎, 我真係講得太多次啦, 仲係未知嘅朋友, 唔該去通之食譜術語溫一溫啦

計吓計吓, 我都用左唔少生果去煮餸啦喎, 呵呵

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天氣熱辣辣時可以食啲酸尾尾嘅餸最好呀, 呵呵, 希望大家開心啲, 開胃啲, 精神一啲啦

正所謂: 奇異豬扒夠特別, 天氣炎熱最啱試

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 無骨豬扒6塊 (6 boneless pork chop)
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2- 中型洋蔥1個, 切件 (1 onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
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3- 奇怪果粒1/2杯 (1/2 cup of diced kiwi)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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奇異果汁1杯 (1 cup of kiwi juice)
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 水1/2杯 (1/2 cup of water)
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3- 奇妙醬1湯匙 (1 tbsp miracle whip)
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4- 糖3湯匙 (3 tbsp of sugar)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將豬扒兩面拍鬆, 再用基本野醃15分鐘, 汁料打勻 (圖1), 隔好渣備用(圖2)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將豬扒炒至兩面金黃(圖3), 轉中火把豬扒煎熟上碟, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 洋蔥和1/2茶匙鹽炒軟, 加入汁料煮滾, 加入奇異果兜勻, 淋上豬扒即成 
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1- Beat evenly two side of the pork chop.  Marinade it with the basic seasoning for 15 minutes.  Blend and mix well the sauce mix (fig.2).  Filter it well and put it aside (fig.2).
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2- Heat the pan with some butter over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Fry pork chop until both sides turn brown (fig.3).  Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the pork chops are fully cooked.  Dish it up.  Heat the pan with some butter over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in the sauce mix and heat through.  Stir in the kiwi and mix it well.  Pour it over to the pork chop and serve it in hot.
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汁料煮前先試味, 如果太酸, 加糖, 太甜, 加點白醋
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2- 生果和汁料不宜煮大耐
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3- 排豬扒點整先會好味? 去通之食譜術語溫一溫啦
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1- It Adjust the taste the sauce mix before cook.  Add more sugar if it is too sour or add white vinegar if it is too sweet.
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2- Do not overcook the kiwi and sauce mix
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