

食譜: 三色甜酸菠蘿雞 (Fry chicken in sweet and sour sauce)

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大家知唔知道係唔係yahoo又有問題呀? 點解我昨日會有成6萬幾瀏覽次數呀, 係唔係又人係咁refresh 呢? 平時通常都係6500-7000左右, 點解會多左10倍呀,
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好搞笑喎, 呵呵

我自從無join gym以來,

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隔日我就會係屋外緩步跑30分鐘左右, 唔知啲鄰居係唔係見我跑得好開心, 昨日我跑時竟然見有個鄰居同我一齊跑喎, 哈哈
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唔知遲啲會唔會越跑越多人呢, 不過我屋外條街係一個大圈, 當跑道咁跑都真係唔錯呀, 又咩風吹落雨都可以立即返屋企, 又唔洗錢喎, 真係好好呀

今日出哩個餸同咕嚕肉差唔多, 不過改用雞件, 感覺上, 用無皮雞件無食腩肉咁肥膩喎, 再加上我唔炸, 改用半煎炸去處理, 將哩一味本來用油多, 肥膩菜色, 搞到香口又唔肥,

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青紅色等椒類, 好多人都唔知佢地會煮煮吓出水, 所以我成日都將佢地放係最後先落, 其實佢地好快熟, 所以唔需要咁急去炒佢地

煎好嘅雞柳最好等到最後, 你試好晒啲汁, 教好晒啲味啦, 先回鑊,

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回鑊後要快手, 兜勻, 沾好汁就立即上碟, 唔好留係個鑊到太耐呀, 同埋淨吓啲汁唔好再加上去, 為免汁太多, 影響雞件個口感

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真係唔難, 記得要試吓啦

正所謂: 三色甜酸菠蘿雞, 美味香口好醒胃

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間(Estimated cooking time): 45 minutes 
份量(portion): 4

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 雞柳1磅左右, 切件 (1 lbs of chicken fillet, cut into pieces)
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2- 中型洋蔥1個, 切件 (1 medium onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
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3- 紅, 黃, 橙椒各半個, 切件 (1/2 Red,yellow,organge pepper, cut into pieces)
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4- 罐頭菠蘿5片, 切件 (5 slices of cane pineapple, cut into pieces)
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5- 青椒半個, 切件 (1/2 green pepper, cut into pieces)
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6- 大蛋1隻,發勻 (1 large egg, blended)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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茄汁3湯匙 (3 tbsp of ketchup)
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 水5湯匙 (5 tbsp of water)
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3- 白醋1湯匙 (1 tbsp white vinegar)
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4- 片糖1/2片, 壓碎 (1/2 tbsp of piece of slab sugar, mashed)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將雞件抹乾, 用少許鹽, 白胡椒粉醃15分鐘, 再加入蛋漿撈勻備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy

快火落油(油要多)起鑊, 將雞件平均每件沾滿粟粉, 用半煎炸將兩面煎至金黃, 轉中火煮至雞肉熟透, 盛起隔油 (圖1)
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3- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 洋蔥和1/2茶匙鹽炒軟, 加入所有椒類和菠蘿炒勻(圖2), 加入汁料煮滾, 加入雞件兜勻, 上碟即成 
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the chicken with some salt and white pepper for 15 minutes.  Stir in the blended egg and mix it well.  Coat each chicken evenly with the corn starch.
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2- Heat the pan with oil (around half cup of oil) over high heat.  Fry chicken until both sides turn brown.  Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the pork chops are fully cooked.  Put it aside and drain it well (fig.1). 
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Heat the pan with some 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in the pepper and pineapple and mix it well.  Stir in the sauce mix and heat through.  Stir in the chicken and mix it well.  Dish it up and serve it in hot.
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雞件不要太早回鑊, 以免太濕過腍
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2- 為保持脆口, 雞件不用沾得太多汁料
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3- 半煎炸方式可改用油炸, 會更香脆啦
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1- Do not stir in the chicken too early to keep it crispy
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2- To keep the crispy, we don't want coat it with too much sauce.
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3- You can deep fry the chicken to make it even crispier
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