

食譜: 金菇牛肉卷 (Enoki mushroom in beef rolls)

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昨日唔係好舒服, 所以無update新食譜, 真係唔好意思呀, 多謝blog友們關心, 我無咩事啦, 哈哈


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好高興見到自己食譜刊登出嚟, 亦好開心見到其他blog友個blog呀(有啲已經去過), 未買嘅, 可以買嚟睇睇啦, 哈哈

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我今日唔止出哩個餸, 我仲出左個"少用食材字典庫(Ingredients Database)", 因為有好多材料唔係咁常用呀, 所以我用左少少時間, 為大家講解吓, 同埋貼埋圖, 等大家容易啲搵出嚟,
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不過都係好初期, 所以唔係咁多資料, 遲啲就會加多啲落去啦


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所以我唔多講點包啦, 卷完通常有兩種方法去煮, 一係連汁連肉咁煮, 咁做味道會濃啲, 色澤亦靚啲, 另一種方法就係煎香, 再另外煮汁淋上面, 咁做牛味會重啲, 鮮味較重,
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所以大家用邊隻方法, 就睇自己個喜好啦


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否則金菇腍晒就唔靚仔啦, 執生啦

正所謂: 惹味金菇牛肉卷, 食完一轉又一轉

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 30分鐘左右

1- 肥牛薄片15-20片 (15-20 beef slices for chinese hotpot )
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 金菇一包, 洗淨 (1 bag of Enoki mushroom, cleaned)
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3- 壽司紫菜半塊, 切絲 (1/2 piece roasted seaweed, shredded)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
 日本清酒2湯匙 (2 tbsp salted cooking sake)tonytsang and kareny recipy
tonytsang and kareny recipy

 砂糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp sugar)
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 醬油(日本豉油)4 茶匙 (4 tsp japanese soya)
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 味醂1湯匙 (1 tbsp Mirin)
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 薑蓉1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp minced ginger)

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1- 先將每片肥牛抹乾, 平放, 再卷上金菇 (圖1), 捲到尾段時, 先搽些粟粉 (圖2), 再捲好壓實埋口備用 (圖3)
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快火落油(1湯匙)起鑊, 先將封口向下煎至金黃, 反去另一面, 煎至金黃盛起隔油備用(圖4)
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3- 快火把汁料煮滾, 熄火, 將牛肉回鑊, 沾滿醬汁上碟, 灑上紫菜即成 

1- Put some mushroom on top of each slice of beef.  Roll it up tightly (fig.1).  While rolling, add some corn starch at the end of slice of beef (fig.2).  After rolling the beef, press gently to seal it up (fig.3).
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2- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Fry the beef rolls until both sides turn brown.  Drain it well and put it aside (fig.4)
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3- Heat up the sauce mix in the pan over high heat.  Turn the heat off.  Add the beef rolls back and mix it well.  Dish it up and add the seaweed.  Serve it hottonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 肥牛因為薄, 所以不用煎太耐, 亦因為肥, 所以最好隔油
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2- 可以用超市賣的照燒汁代替自製汁料
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1- Be Since the beef is very thin, be aware not to overcook it.  As it is so fat, it is better to drain it after cook
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2- You can replace sauce mix with the teriyaki sauce from supermarket.
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