

食譜: 紅酒牛肉 (Beef in red wine sauce)

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今日終於似個夏天啦, 因為天氣好熱吓呀, 太陽又猛, 我都忍唔著, lunch 時出去行左個圈呀, 真係好呀

係呀, 之前好多人問我譚媽媽嘅甜品食譜, 我收到啦, 我聽日post 出嚟啦, 係哩到,

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係喎, 今日上盜寶迷城啦喎,

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大家會唔會去睇首影呀? 我覺得套片應該會好睇, 我諗下星期二會, 等戲院平時, 又同太太去欣賞吓先得, 哈哈

今日出哩個餸, 雖然用紅酒,

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但唔會令人醉呀, 其實煮食加入少少酒, 酒精會好快揮發呀, 無可能留得底, 所以大家放心食啦


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味道可以好辣, 好酸, 好甜呀, 好多變化, 所以煮汁時, 不況試好味先好加牛肉兜勻呀, 太甜加少少白醋, 太酸則加糖呀, 記得呀, 要執生

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牛肉要嫩滑, 首先, 你一定要買牛柳, 買其他部位我就唔擔保好味呀, 牛肉要逆紋切片 (唔明就去通之食譜術語溫吓), 記得唔好落鹽醃(鹽會令佢韌), 記得加糖(令佢腍), 落少少水(令佢鬆化), 煮時唔好煮太熟, 咁就包你啲牛肉好好味啦

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其實真係好簡單, 煮肉, 再煮汁, 再撈埋一齊, 食得啦, 你話啦, 有幾難呀?

正所謂: 紅酒牛肉夠香濃, 味道出眾確不同 

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

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1- 牛柳3/4磅左右, 切片 (3/4 lbs of beef filet, sliced)
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2- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp minced garlic)
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3-  中型洋蔥1個, 切絲 (1 medium onion, peeled, sliced)
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4- 罐頭磨菇片1罐 (1 cane of sliced mushroom)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 紅酒1/2杯 (1/2 cup of red wine)
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水3湯匙 (3 tbsp of water)

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茄汁1湯匙 (1 tbsp of ketchup)
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4- 糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp sugar)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 牛肉用基本野(除了鹽)醃20分鐘, 再用少少油, 快火炒至7成熟(還有少少血水)(圖1), 隔好油備用
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快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 再加入洋蔥和少許鹽炒至軟身, 再加磨菇片和少少黑椒炒一炒(圖2), 加入汁料兜勻(圖3), 汁料一滾, 加入牛肉兜勻(圖4), 上碟灑些香草(紫蘇)即成

1- Marinade the beef with basic seasoning (except salt) for 20 minutes.  Cook the beef with some oil over high heat until 70% done.  Drain it well and put it aside (fig.1) 
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2- Heat the pan with water over high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic until fragrant.  Stir-in the onion and saute it with some salt until soft.  Stir-in the mushroom and saute it with some black pepper (fig.2).  Stir-in the sauce mix and heat through (fig.3).  Once it is boiled, stir-in the beef and mix it well (fig.4).  Dish up it and add some basil.  Serve it in hot.
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1- 牛肉用糖醃會變腍, 用鹽醃則變韌, 講過好多次, 要記著
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2- 牛肉要逆紋切片 (去通之食譜術語溫吓)
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3- 紅酒煮過, 酒精已揮發, 不會使人醉的
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1- Marinade the beef with some sugar could make it more tender.  On the other hand, if you marinade it with salt, beef will be hard
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2- The rule of slicing or cutting beef is not to cut following the grain. Make sure you cut across the grain.
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3- There is no more or not much alcohol left after you cook the red wine.

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