

食譜:通少港式碗仔翅 (Imitation shark's Fin soup)

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上一次約埋朋友踩單車, 之後約埋嚟我屋企搞pot luck (每人煮啲野嚟食), 我就整左我都幾拿手, 但又唔係成日整嘅碗仔翅

睇開我個blog 應該知, 我好早之前已經登左個碗仔翅食譜,

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當時我加左筍絲, 感覺上覺得唔係好港式喎, 所以今次跟足晒港式碗仔翅煮法, 出嚟效果, 當然無令人失望啦
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其實碗仔翅一啲都唔難整, 但都要用啲心機, 例如雞要用手撕成雞絲, 因為咁做先有煙韌嘅口感, 所以想方便啲, 可以做一晚整好, 而其他材料都要好細心切成幼絲出嚟先唔會粗糙

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好多人加蛋漿都好是旦, 結果蛋花整得唔靚, 其實蛋花要整得靚, 要先係湯順方向不斷攪, 形成漩渦, 再慢慢, 逐少逐少係煲邊加入蛋漿,
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你就會自然見到啲蛋花會凝結得好靚仔啦, 唔信你試吓呀

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記得試時要加啲紅醋呀, 個湯會香濃好多, 真係飲完特別開胃呀 

正所謂: 通少港式碗仔翅, 香濃美味夠容易

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

8人份量, 只供參考 (For 8 people, just for reference only)
1- 金寶濃縮雞湯1罐 (1 cane condensed chicken broth)
2- 水5罐 (5 cane of water)
3- 無皮雞胸肉3/4磅左右 (3/4 lbs of skinless chicken breast)
4- 冬菇 8 隻左右 (8 dried mushroom, soaked)tonytsang and kareny recipy
5- 雲耳8粒, 浸軟, 切絲 (8 dried black fungus, soaked, sliced)tonytsang and kareny recipy
6- 粉絲2小紮, 浸軟 (2 small vermicelli, around 60g )tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 馬蹄粉2湯匙 (2 tbsp water chestnut flour)
 生抽1湯匙 (1 tbsp soya sauce)tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 水1湯匙 (1 tbsp water)tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 大蛋1隻, 發勻 (1 egg blended)tonytsang and kareny recipy
5- 麻油2茶匙 (2 tsp sesame oil)tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 先將雞胸肉煮熟(蒸或煲都可以), 待涼後, 用手撕成雞絲, 冬菇榨乾水, 用少許豉油, 糖, 麻油醃15分鐘, 切絲, 粉絲瀝乾水, 剪成15cm長, 備用

2- 雞湯和水煲滾, 加入冬菇, 雲耳煮20分鐘,  加雞絲煲多10分鐘, 熄火, 放入粉絲, 加生抽, 麻油試好味, 再加蛋漿順方向搞勻, 馬蹄粉用水開好, 慢慢加入至湯杰身即可tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- Cook the chicken until done (steam or boil it).  Once it is cool down, shred the chicken by hand.  Press the mushroom to release all the water.  Marinade it with some soya, sugar and sesame oil for 15 mins, and slice it.  Vermicelli drains well and cut into 15 cm long.  

2- Boil the chicken broth and water.  Add the mushroom and fungus and cook for 20 mins.  Add the chicken and cook for another 10 mins.  Turn the heat off.  Add the vermicelli.  Add the soya sauce and sesame oil to taste.  Add the egg and stir it in same direction.  Chestnut flour mixes with the water and add into the soup until the soup is thicken.  Serve hottonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 口味要自己調整, 要鹹一點可以加點鹽

2- 蛋漿要順方向攪, 蛋花才會靚

3- 馬蹄粉一定要用水開至完全溶化才可以用
tonytsang and kareny recipy


粉絲一定要浸軟, 不要太早落否則會影響口感
tonytsang and kareny recipy

