

食譜: 通少蕃茄豬扒 (Tomato pork chop)

蕃茄煮乜都好, 一樣超好味呀

雖然我今次煮港式茄汁, 但我無落茄膏, 亦無落蠔油, 但味道一樣咁好, 係唔係好神奇呢? 哈哈

最要係因為豬扒醃料入味已經好夠味道, 加上豬油啲鮮味混入啲汁到, 所以已經好夠味呀, 唔需要再加咁多調味料呀

我通常煮蕃茄都會煮到好多汁, 因為可以撈飯, 如果你要少啲汁, 就唔好落咁多水, 因為蕃茄煮煮吓都會出水呀, 執生呀

好多blog友問我點樣做啲豬扒先唔鞋, 唔韌, 大家不況去通之食譜術語溫一溫啦, 哈哈

正所謂: 通少蕃茄燴豬扒, 好味到你叫爸爸


tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 無骨豬扒6塊, 拍鬆切件 (6 bonless pork chop, beaten, cut into pieces)
2- 蕃茄2-3個, 切粒 (2-3 tomato, diced)
3- 中型洋蔥1個, 切絲 (1 onion, peeled, sliced)
4- 紅蔥頭1粒, 切粒 (1 shallots, peeled, diced)
5- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp chopped garlic)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 茄汁約 4 湯匙 (4 tbsp Ketchup)
2- 水, 適量 (some water)
3- 鹽, 適量 (some salt)
4- 糖, 適量 (some sugar)
5- 喼汁 (some L&P Worchestershire sauce) 
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 豬扒用基本野醃 15 分鐘

2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉至金黃, 落豬扒, 先煎至兩面金黃, 再用中火, 煮至全熟 (圖2), 盛起備用

3- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香洋蔥絲, 落少許鹽炒至軟身, 加入一半蕃茄粒和, 汁料, 攪勻, 調好味

4- 當汁料滾起, 加入餘下蕃茄粒和豬扒兜勻即成 (圖3, 4)

1- Marinade the pork chops with usual spices for 15 mins.

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic until brown.  Fry the pork chop until two side turn brown.  Turn to medium heat and cook the pork chop until done(fig2).  Put it aside

3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the onion with some salt until soft.  Add and stir-fry half of the tomato cubes and sauces.  Adjust the taste of the sauce accordingly.

4- once the sauce is boiled, add the rest of tomato and pork chop.  Mix them well. (fig3, 4)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 汁料口味要自己調整, 要甜一點就加糖多些, 要酸一點就加鹽多些

2- 汁杰度隨自己喜好調整, 要稀一點, 加多點水

3- 豬扒一定要兩面平均井字型拍鬆才不會韌

4- 豬扒一定要先用大火煎封, 才改中火煎熟, 不要時時反, 就可以保持肉汁, 不會鞋tonytsang and kareny recipy


