

食譜: 臘腸炒芥蘭 (Chinese sausage with chinese broccoli)

健康左兩日, 今日哩味唔係好健康啦, 不過好惹味

炒芥蘭加臘腸喎, 真係好鬼香呀, 好多人炒芥蘭會加酒, 但酒味, 唔係人人啱, 我覺得唔需要, 所以我通常都唔加

有人話芥蘭苦, 所以要加少少糖就可以去苦味, 仲有就係, 要用暖水浸吓, 去銀, 咁就唔會苦啦, 唔信你試吓就知啦

仲有: 芥蘭比較涼

, 記得要加薑

正所謂: 惹味臘腸炒芥蘭, 快捷方便又簡單


tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 臘腸2條 (2 chinese sausages)
2- 芥蘭10顆左右, 洗淨, 切段 (10 chinese broccoli, diced into pieces)
3- 薑片2-3塊, 去皮,  拍扁(2-3 slices of peeled ginger, beaten)
4- 蒜頭2粒, 去衣, 略拍 (2 garlics, peeled, beaten)

1- 魚露適量 (some fish sauce)
2- 糖適量 (some sugar)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 臘腸先蒸或煲約10分鐘, 切粒備用 (圖1)

2- 快火落油起鑊, 先把爆香蒜蓉, 薑片, 再落臘腸略炒, 再加芥蘭炒至軟身, 加少許糖兜勻 (圖2)

3- 再加熱水蓋過1/3材料, 蓋上蓋焗2分鐘左右加魚露調味即成

1- Steam or boil the sausage for about 10 min.  Dice it and put it aside (fig1)

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic until brown.  Stir-fry the sausage a bit.  Add and stir-fry the broccoli until soft.  Add some sugar and mix it well (fig2) 

3- Add the hote water to cover 1/3 of the ingrdient.  Close the lid and cook it through for 2 mins. Add the fish sauce to taste.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 臘腸唔蒸或煮過, 會好難切, 好難炒, 同時亦會減去油份

2- 芥蘭葉幹煮前, 最好去一去皮, 口感會好一點

3- 炒芥蘭不要加鹽, 加少少糖會有助去苦味

4- 焗菜的水, 建議用熱或暖開水

5- 芥蘭煮前先用暖水浸一浸, 去一去銀
 tonytsang and kareny recipy


上個星期Roscan (廚房用品出產商)開倉, 我當然有去掃吓平貨啦

圖1: 12L 大煲呀, 不鏽鋼, 真係好大好好用呀, 煲雞煲湯唔再係問題(30加元)

圖2: 1$加元切蘋果器呀, 哈哈哈, 好好玩呀 (睇下圖3, 圖4)

