

食譜: 通少三杯雞 (Chicken with 3 different spices)

三杯雞其實有好多種煮法, 我哩個做法可以話係每到用一啲, 集益而成

我太太好喜歡個味道, 但我嫌太鹹
, 所以我這個食譜已給我改量好, 一定無咁鹹

酒用1杯, 酒味很香, 大家煮時, 要小心雞肉炆完仲未熟哩個問題, 為免發生, 不況煮前先在雞肉上戒一刀由皮至骨, 令肉更快熟

炆時最怕就是一開始就下得太鹹, 要記得唔夠鹹好易可以調整, 但太鹹就麻煩得多, 所以要小心一點呀

有好人問我, 你咩杯去量呀? 我可以話你知, 我係用飲水杯去量, 其實個份量只是一個參考指標, 我無刻意去量度或記得實際份量, 大家要按照自己口味去調整, 唔係人人口味都一樣嘛

正所謂: 通少酒香三杯雞, 唔會食完就暈低

味道唔錯, 只係鹹左啲

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 45分鐘左右

1- 雞全脾6隻, 雞鎚同雞脾切開, 洗淨(6 whole chicken legs )
2- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
3- 薑片4片 (4 slice of ginger)
4- 紅蔥頭2粒, 去皮, 切粒 (2 shallots, peeled, diced)
5- 青蔥2條, 切段, (1 green onion, cut into pieces)

 Sauce: (份量只作參考)
1- 老抽2/3杯 (2/3 cup of black soya)
2- 水1/2杯 (1/2 cup of water)
3- 米酒1杯 (1 cup of Chinese rice wine)
4- 麻油少許 (a bit of sesame oil)
5- 蠔油1湯匙 (1 tbsp oyster sauce)
6- 碎冰糖或沙糖適量 (some rock sugar or white sugar)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 雞肉先用基本野醃15分鐘(但別要醃得太鹹)

2- 用易潔鑊, 中火無油把雞肉煎至金黃(圖1), 盛起備用

3- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 薑片,  紅蔥頭, 青蔥(圖2), 放回雞肉, 倒入老抽, 水, 米酒, 蠔油兜勻(圖3)

4- 蓋上蓋中火炆至雞熟及汁杰(圖4), 加入糖或少許生抽調味, 熄火, 加入麻油兜勻上碟即成

1- Marinade the chicken with usual spices for 15 mins (but don't put too mush salty spices)

2- Heat the pan without oil in medium heat.  Fry the chicken until it turns brown (Fig1).  Put it aside

3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the ginger, shallots, green onion, garlic (Fig2).  Add back the chicken along with the black soya, water, wine, oyster sauce (Fig3).

4- Cook it through with lid closed until the sauce turn thick (Fig4).  Add the sugar and soya sauce to taste.  Turn the heat off.  Add the sesame oil and mix it well
tonytsang and kareny recipy


1- 雞鎚雞脾背先戒一刀, 會令雞煮時易熟好多
2- 米酒通常都有鹹味, 所以要炆到最後先好調味, 太鹹則要加糖, 或加水
3- 冰糖會令汁更光亮, 但難溶, 所以最好先整碎, 或用熱水整成糖水先
4- 麻油後落, 可保持它的香味
5- 酒炆過, 已經沒有酒精, 不會醉的
6- 雞用無油煎過, 逼出所有肥油, 炆時, 汁會更清, 不會油膩
tonytsang and kareny recipy

