

CH: 鳳凰魚卷 (Phoenix fish rolls)

聽日就新年啦, 唔知仲有無人有時間去睇我個blog呢, 哈哈

大家一定好忙準備呢, 以前, 呀媽實叫我12點前沖好涼, 著好新衫, 枕頭下面實放好壓歲錢, 不過而家結左婚啦, 我和太太就不會做這麼多, 只會換下新披, 著新睡衣咁就算啦

前日就出完豬手(財), 昨日又出過雞皇(旺), 今日就係出魚 (咁就就齊豬, 雞, 魚啦), 不過唔係蒸呀, 係卷

個名有"鳳凰"係因為用左木魚絲, 木魚絲係金黃既蛋皮上郁郁下, 效果好似鳳凰飛舞咁呀, 真係幾靚架

正所謂: 鳳凰魚卷像飛舞, 來年健康一定好
咁就有財, 有運, 有健康啦)

我捲得其實唔係太好, 不過大家整的話, 實無問題

1- 魚滑半磅 (1/2 lbs white fish paste)
2- 蝦米8粒, 浸軟, 切粒 (8 dried baby shirmps, soaked, diced)
3- 4-6冬菇, 浸軟, 去尾 (4-6 chinese mushroom, soaked)
4- 青蔥2條, 切粒 (2 green onion, diced)
5- 木魚絲適量 (非必要) (a bit of benito)

1- 大雞蛋3隻, 發勻 (3 large eggs, blended)
2- 生粉1-2湯匙 (1-2 tbsp corn starch)
3- 雞粉1 茶匙 (1 tsp chicken powder)
4- 鹽少許 (a bit of salt)
(2-3加少許熱水弄成漿, 加入蛋漿混合) (Mix 2-3 with a bit of hot water and mix it with the blended eggs)

1- 中快火落油起鑊, 落混合蛋漿煎成金黃, 盛在碟上待涼
2- 冬菇用少許糖, 油, 豉油醃10分鐘, 切粒
3- 在涼了的蛋皮上, 平均塗上魚滑, 平均灑上蝦米粒, 冬菇粒, 像捲壽司般捲起
4- 準備蒸爐, 水滾放蛋卷隔水蒸10分鐘
5- 拿出切件, 排碟灑上青蔥, 再加木魚絲即成

1-With medium heat, fry the egg until it turns brown.  Put it aside and let it cool down
2- Marinade the mushroom with a bit of salt, soya, oil for 10 mins, diced)
3- Spread the fish paste on the egg.  Add evenly the shrimps, mushroom and roll it up like sushi.
4- Steam the egg roll for 10 mins
5- Slice the egg roll.  Put it on the dish and add green onions and Benito evenly.


1- 用平底鑊煎蛋皮會較易, 反蛋時要小心, 不要弄損蛋皮
2- 留約1/5蛋漿, 如煎蛋時弄損蛋皮, 可以加入補救
3- 塗上魚滑不能太薄, 也不能太厚, 要像有1層飯般高度
4- 蒸時, 可以用錫紙蓋在蛋皮上, 使倒汗水不會弄濕蛋皮
5- 吃時, 可以點辣椒油, 酸甜醬, 或茄汁也可
6- 木魚絲要平均鋪好才會有郁動的效果

