

食譜: 椰汁香芋雞煲 (Chicken and Taro in Coconut milk sauce)

又一凍天吃最好的既煲仔菜色之一, 易煮又香口 (40分鐘就搞掂), 熱辣辣連煲上, 真係連我太太今餐都食多幾舊呀
不過芋頭同薯仔一樣好飽肚, 小心真係食到頂著心口呀, 哈哈

正所謂: 椰汁香芋炆雞煲, 味道香濃勁飽肚

睇下, 椰汁香濃, 芋頭香脆, 真係無的頂呀

材料 Ingredients:
1- 雞脾2大隻 (2 bonless chicken legs)
2- 中型芋頭一個 (Medium size Taro)
3- 乾紅蔥頭2粒, 切粒 (2 chopped shallot)
4- 薑3片(ginger 2 slides)
5- 椰汁1罐 (1 cane of Coconut milk)
6- 金不換 4塊 (Basil leaves 4 pieces )

做法 Methods:
1- 雞脾洗淨, 起骨(唔起都得, 隨你喜歡), 用基本野醃30分鐘
2- 芋頭去皮切塊, 放入熱油炸至金黃, 放入煲內備用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香乾紅蔥頭, 薑片, 再加雞件炒至7成熟(外表變成金黃), 放入煲內, 加水至蓋過材料3/4左右.  煮滾後改中火炆15分鐘左右
4- 最後加少許鹽調味, 加入椰汁, 金不換攪勻煮滾, 再加少去糖調味即成

1- Chop the chicken leg into small pieces. Marinade it with usual spices
2- Peel the taro and cut it into small pieces.  Deep fry it until brown
3- Heat the pan with high heat.  Stir-Fry the shallot, gingers and add chicken.  Stir-Fry the chicken until nearly done
Put chicken, Taro all in the hot pot.  Add water until it cover 3/4 of the ingridents.  Heat it with high heat until it is boiled.  Turn the heat to medium and cook around 15 mins
4- Add a bit salt.  Add the coconut milk, basil leave and mix it well.  Add some sugar if necessary.


1- 芋頭去皮記得帶手套, 唔係痕到你跳舞
2- 炸完先紋可以令芋頭外脆內軟
3- 椰汁不宜煮太耐, 否則失去香味 

