tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy

通常清理比較大型的肉類(如豬手, 五花腩)的血或骨中的雜質的正確做法是將食物放入凍水先浸3-4分鐘, 再煲至大滾煮3-5分鐘, 再於凍水下沖洗(圖2), 隔好水放於一旁, 切勿放入已滾的水中, 因為食物外層會因熱力迅速煮熟收縮, 令肉內的血會污物無辦法排出, 除非肉類是易熟的材料, 例如是切了片的肉片, 豬肝, 因為易熟, 煮太耐就會把那些食材完全煮熟, 所以才要改用滾水才好放下
而蔬菜或海鮮的, 則要於滾水中煮2分鐘左右, 因為煮得太耐, 就會令海鮮太硬或收縮, 而蔬菜則會太腍而影響質感, 要小心注意呢
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Blanch is useful to remove the dirt and smell. For example, blanch the ribs of pork can remove the blood and the dirt inside the bone. Blanch the bitter melon can remove its bitter taste. Blanch the seafood can remove the fishy smell. It will make the ingredients cleaner for cooking.
而蔬菜或海鮮的, 則要於滾水中煮2分鐘左右, 因為煮得太耐, 就會令海鮮太硬或收縮, 而蔬菜則會太腍而影響質感, 要小心注意呢
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Blanch is useful to remove the dirt and smell. For example, blanch the ribs of pork can remove the blood and the dirt inside the bone. Blanch the bitter melon can remove its bitter taste. Blanch the seafood can remove the fishy smell. It will make the ingredients cleaner for cooking.
To remove the blood or the dirt from the bone, first you put the meat into a cold water to soak 3-5 minutes. Bring it to boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. Take it out and rinse it well under a cold water. Put it aside and it is ready to use. Do not put the meat into boiling water. It is because outside of the meat will get done quickly. So the blood or dirt inside of the meat cannot be released
on the other hand, to blanch the vegetable or seafood, you blanch it into boiling water for around 2 minutes to avoid overcooking the ingredients. Some overcooked ingredients like seafood are not pleasant to eat as the texture is either too hard or too soft.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
on the other hand, to blanch the vegetable or seafood, you blanch it into boiling water for around 2 minutes to avoid overcooking the ingredients. Some overcooked ingredients like seafood are not pleasant to eat as the texture is either too hard or too soft.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2009 21:07:00]兩者都得, 視乎你要點整, 例如炆排骨, 我會建議先出水, 因為炆排骨基本上唔需要醃
例如你蒸排骨, 就唔需要出水啦, 所以視乎情況而定
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2009 01:29:00]熱水
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/19/2012 12:50:34]煲湯啲肉如果係無骨, 唔需要凍水先落的
3-5分鐘係計水滾起之後, 亦視乎肉的大小, 時間可能需要多一點
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/19/2012 22:46:47]唔好客氣, 幫到你就最好啦
q: 有骨嘅肉在凍水時就放下去,而無骨嘅肉水滾先放下
a: 無錯, 但這只是我個人意見, 唔代表全世界都會認同
a: 不用的, 除非你要健康唔要用油去炒啦, 否則醃好, 炒香就得, 飛水通常只係用來炆野用
q: 定係就咁用水洗便可?用凍水定熱水洗呢
a: 用清水(普通水喉水)洗好就得
a: 無得洗架啦, 因為碎晒啦嘛
a: 當然可以啦, 但份量要隨自己口味加減