天氣開始和暖, 我見四周圍都開始有好多工程, 本來有工程, 修下啲爛路係好, 但就搞到日日返屋企都要塞車,
唔知係唔係因為母親係潮州人, 大家都知,
大家怕鹹的話, 蠔油份量可以減低, 豬肉亦可以唔加鹽同落少啲生抽去醃, 再加返多少少糖同水就ok啦

(Password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Prep 準備: 15 minutes | Cook烹調: 20 minutes | For 份量: 4 people

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1- 枚頭豬肉450克左右, 切絲 (450g tenderloin pork, sliced)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 中洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切絲 (1 medium onion, peeled, sliced)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp minced garlic)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 青蔥2條, 切絲 (2 green onions, sliced)

份量只供參考 (just for reference only)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 蠔油2湯匙 (2 tbsp of oyster sauce)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 米酒1湯匙 (1 tbsp of chinese cooking wine)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 水1湯匙 (1 tbsp of water)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將豬肉用基本野醃15分鐘, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將豬肉炒熟 (圖1), 盛起備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先落蒜茸炒至金黃, 加入青蔥, 洋蔥和1/3茶匙炒至軟身(圖2), 再加入豬肉炒勻(圖3), 加入汁料兜勻煮熱 (圖4), 上碟即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the pork with basic seasoning for 15 minutes. Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat. Stir-fry the pork until done (fig.1). Put it aside.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat. Stir fry garlic is golden and fragrant. Stir in the green onion, onion with 1/3 tsp of salt until soft (fig.2). Stir in the pork and mix it well (fig.3). Stir in the sauce mix, heat it through, and mix it well (fig.4). Dish it up and serve it hot.

1- 若怕蠔油太鹹, 加入汁料時, 可以減少蠔油份量及加點糖
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 汁料若太杰的話, 可以加多點水
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語" 的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- You can reduce the portion of oyster sauce and add some sugar to make it less salty.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Add some water if the sauce is too thick.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)
Copyright © 通之廚房. All rights reserved.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:23:00]叻女呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:23:00]蛋鹹蛋痩肉粥唔算清啦, 好豐富啦, 哈哈
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:23:00]咪就係囉
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:24:00]咁你一定要試吓
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:25:00]好多洋蔥, 遲啲出嘅食譜會用少啲, 哈哈
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:24:00]牛肉? 唔通我又寫錯野, oh no
哈哈, 我都鐘意食濃味既食物架!!
[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:25:00]哈哈, 咁哩個餸實啱你
點解汁料要落埋米酒既, 係未會香D架??
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:25:00]絕對係, 但唔落又無咩所謂
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:25:00]無錯呢, 記得要試吓喎
good afternoon..
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:26:00]真係超快就可以搞掂
呵呵! 原來您地好健康,日日帶飯
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:26:00]當然啦, 慳唔少添呀
nice, i wl give it a try. tks tung siu
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 21:26:00]客氣啦, 希望你喜歡啦
呢個幾好wor,簡簡單單!! 我D 口味都越食越淡,健康D 好!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/15/2009 23:55:00]健康係好啲
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/15/2009 23:55:00]仲有紅桃棵呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/15/2009 23:55:00]哈哈, 嚇死我呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/15/2009 23:55:00]咁就好啦
[版主回覆05/15/2009 23:55:00]係呀, 超易整
It is very nice ... I cooked it tonight, the taste is very good, thank you for sharing
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2009 11:53:00]you are welcome. It is easy and tasty. I am glad that you like it
呢味真係易做, 送飯又一流
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/27/2009 00:07:00]無錯, 送粥都好正呀
下次試呢個~易整ya ma!! hehe!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2009 21:15:00]真係好易, 但都幾鹹吓, 自己記得要試吓味, 唔好一次落晒啲蠔油, 加啲炒一吓, 試吓味, 夠味就好停啦
請問第二點個到,加入青蔥, 洋蔥和1/3茶匙,1/3茶匙係加乜呢?
[版主回覆06/05/2009 21:29:00]鹽, sorry, 打漏左
潮州人...哈哈,我都認同.. 潮州餸一向都比較濃味
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/21/2009 02:08:00]無錯