

食譜: 香辣合桃炒雞柳 (Stir fry chicken with walnut)

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好耐無update, 星期一加拿大放假呀, 所以無update, 昨日又請假, 所以都無update, 哩兩日用了很多時間去整理個草地, 又剪草, 又除雜草, 又種吓植物咁, 時間真係過得超快呀


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blog友solarman 過來montreal 玩, 我地一齊飲茶, 佢份人其實好似我, 鐘意食, 影相, 同周圍去呀, 哈哈

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今日出哩個餸, 非常惹味, 如果怕辣的話, 可以落少啲辣椒醬就可以

西芹以前我會去皮, 但現在唔會啦, 因為啲皮有好多纖維, 食埋會對身體有益, 以前我亦會飛水, 但現在不會了, 其實西芹唔需要好多時間去煮,

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所以慳番, 仲好

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核桃我用已經熟嘅, 可以就咁放入口當零食那種, 如果大家想用生的, 沒問題, 只要用中火炸至金黃, 或用350f 焗約5-10分鐘就得, 之後記得要攤凍先好用, 唔係的話, 就唔會脆口

個汁, 怕鹹的話, 可以加約1-2湯匙水,

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我就唔加, 濃味啲仲好, 想再惹味更可以加約1殼嘅紹興酒, 會非常香呀

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咁簡單又快捷, 大家記得一定要試吓啦

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(Password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Prep 準備: 15 minutes |  Cook烹調: 25 minutes |  For 份量: 4 people 

材料 Ingredients
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1- 雞柳450克左右, 切件 (450g of chicken filet, cut into pieces)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 西芹4大塊, 切絲 (4 large pieces of celery, sliced)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 熟核桃1/2量杯左右 (1/2 cup of baked walnut)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
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5- 中洋蔥1個, 去皮, 切片 (1 medium onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
6- 薑片2塊 (2 sliced of ginger)
汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 辣椒醬1茶匙 (1 tsp of hot chili sauce)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 生粉水
1湯匙 (1 tbsp of corn starch mixture)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 鹽1/4茶匙 (1/4 tsp of salt)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 雞湯1/4量杯 (1/4 cup of chicken broth)
做法 Steps

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 雞肉用基本野醃15分鐘備用, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將雞肉炒熟, 盛起備用(圖1)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先落蒜茸炒至金黃, 加入薑片略炒, 再加入洋蔥和1/3茶匙鹽及辣椒醬炒至軟身(圖2), 再加入西芹炒透, 約1分鐘(圖3), 加入雞肉和汁料兜勻煮透, 熄火, 加入核桃炒勻(圖4), 上碟即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1-  Marinade the chicken with basic seasoning for 15 minutes.  Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry the chicken until done.  Put it aside (fig.1).

tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry garlic is golden and fragrant.  Stir in the ginger and mix it well.  Stir fry the onion with 1/3 tsp of salt, chili sauce until soft (fig.2).  Stir in celery and mix it well (fig.3).  Stir in the chicken and sauce mix, and heat it through.  Turn off the heat.  Stir in the walnut and mix it well (fig.4).  Dish it up and serve it hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 西芹不要炒太耐去保持它的爽脆
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 核桃可以用生的, 但要先把它炸熟或焗熟, 待涼後才可用 
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Don't overcook the celery to keep it crispy texture.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- You can use the raw walnut.  However, make sure you cool it down after fry or bake it.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

Copyright © 通之廚房. All rights reserved.

19 則留言:

  1. 睇落好正喎﹗
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:47:00]有機會就試吓啦

  2. 看來又要等端午節做來吃啦!我可能會用腰果代替合桃!謝謝分享!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:48:00]都好, 腰果都好好味

  3. 哈哈.....都有 NO. 4 呀!!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:48:00]勁呀

  4. 咦......我仲諗緊星期六煮乜好, 哩個可以試試呀!!
    食合桃都有益呀, 聽講仲可以明目添!!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:49:00]合桃真係好有益, 但唔好食太多喎

  5. 我地美国哩邊下星期一都有假放呀.可以有個 long weekend.
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:49:00]咁開心, 太好啦

  6. i got bank holiday as well this coming monday!!!
    by the way, have you tired to 'stir fry' celery, chicken and cashew nuts with peanut butter? it sounds very strange to me in the first place when i heard that from a middle east guy. but once i tried that, the peanut butter actually mix well with the celery@.@
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:50:00]Peanut butter?  should be good.  I haven't tried it but it sounds right for me.

  7. 濃情朱古力碰上士多啤梨2009年5月20日 下午10:21

    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:52:00]改用其他瓜類都可以, 最緊要夠爽口

  8. 比較少用合桃做餸,多數用腰果,合桃會用來煲湯,等我下次都試下炒合桃先!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:57:00]合桃比較有益, 而腰果就比較香口

  9. 好惹味噃
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:57:00]係哈, 記得試試

  10. 西芹, 我有時是就咁生食的, 好有營養, 而且負卡路里, 減肥的恩物
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:57:00]好耐無見啦, 你咁fit, 洗乜減呀

  11. 西芹雞柳我成日都會整架~ 因為簡單嘛!~
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:58:00]係呀, 簡單易整

  12. 每次的簡單小菜好很精緻!多謝分享!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:58:00]客氣, 希望你喜歡啦

  13.           通少,我想請教 吓 你,係咪所有生 嘅果仁都同一樣方法處理?其實洗淨後,駛唔駛放滾水內煲幾分鐘先入爐焗呢?
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:58:00]唔知需唔需要煲, 我會就咁焗

  14. 這個餸很醒胃啊!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 01:58:00]係呀, 真係幾好呀

  15. 能與你一聚,實感榮幸,有多倫多網友得悉後,問我做乜唔幫佢同你羅簽名呀!    下次你嚟,多倫多網友會熱幟祈待!哈哈! 阿苦大哥呢排好唔掂,搞到冇乜心機寫 blog!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 02:00:00]我都好開心, 我同你喜好一樣呀, 哈哈
    囉簽名, 咪講笑啦, 我又唔係咩明星呀, 下次去toronto再搵你食過啦
    yahoo 真係好唔掂

  16. Thanks for sharing, here are some cakes for you!

    [版主回覆05/23/2009 02:13:00]嘩, 個個都好靚呀

  17. 合桃我勁鍾意呀
    [版主回覆05/26/2009 03:24:00]真係好好味又有益

  18. 此餸已煮咗啦, 因為我唔喜歡核桃, 所以改用腰果。我就覺得好ok啦, but都係嗰句因為家人唔食得辣, 所以只可以煮一次。
    [版主回覆05/26/2009 23:57:00]唔吃得辣下次可以唔落, 只係無咁香口, 無所謂嘅
