牛肉和羊肉, 通常都有好幼的筋, 當煮熟了後就會收縮, 很難去咀嚼, 所以好多人都會話, 牛肉很韌, 如果切得不好, 即使怎樣去醃, 加多少的疏打粉也是無濟於事的
<< 先看看這個例子, 白色的線就是係牛肉內的筋(肉紋), 你見佢打直落, 係唔係? 逆紋就是指要打橫(黑線)咁切開
<< 另一個看法, 你可以見係肉內, 白紋是打橫(左至右), 所以就要打直切(黑線)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Cut across the grain of the beef
Normally, beef contains a lot of small grains. Once the beef is cooked, the grain will be shrinked and it will be hard to eat. No matter how well you marinade it, without a proper slicing technic, you cannot have a perfect tender beef.
<< As you see the graphic on the left, white lines are the grain of the beef. They are from the top to the bottom. So, to cut across the grain, you have to cut perpendicular as per the black lines (vertically).
<< This is another example. As you can see the grain (white lines) is from left to right. So, to cut across, you slice it horizontally like the black lines indicated
tonytsang and kareny recipy
我想問豬肉係咪都係咁 切? 因為我最唔識就係切 肉! 成日怕 切錯會"硬"
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/18/2008 00:36:00]豬肉唔需要, 牛肉就要啦, 唔係會好韌呀
我想問...是否牛肉是正紋時, 刀要橫切呢
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/07/2009 01:50:00]無錯
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