tonytsang and kareny recipy
好多時, 煮飯都要調教火力, 尤其煎炸時候, 但又怕教得火時, 食物已燒焦, 所以就要用離火回火方法, 係最熱火力時煎或炸令食物盡快表面煎封之後, 連鑊離開火源, 咁做, 鑊內仍有餘熱去煮熟食物, 又唔會燒焦食物, 又可以給你時間調整火力, 當鑊餘熱盡去, 就要回火添熱, 這樣就做就能不會燒焦任何菜色了
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Back and forward from heat source
Usually, the ingredient is not fully cooked and it is already burned during frying because the oil is too hot. To avoid this problem, once the outside part of ingredients is cooked, move the pan out of the heat source. Use the remaining heat of the pan to cook the ingredients. Once the remaining heat is fade away, put the pan back the heat source again. Repeat this back and forward process until the ingredient is fully cooked.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
回覆刪除Thanks for your good advice!!!
回覆刪除well, 小智慧大發現!
回覆刪除但係咁會唔會好吸油架 ???
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2009 21:00:00]唔會, 因為你唔係一直都係中火去煮, 你回鑊時會變返大火, 啲油就會逼返出嚟
不如整個retreat、租間屋(渡假屋之類)大家一斉在個廚房交流、冬天可以整個Ski & Kitchen retreat、哈哈!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/31/2009 05:07:00]冬天, 應該唔係人人都可以參加啦, 哈哈